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You Don't Know What Lurks Inside

Things You Should Know About Me...RIGHT NOW!

Wanna See More of What I'm Like?

Take a Look at my Myspace!
Read more about me on my Myspace blog!
for adults only!!!!!
check out my buddies story...Gay and Gay Rights people only!!

Okay heres the wrap about me, Anna (prefer to be known as Isis) I'm sure of course that you have already read my list of things you should know about me. And I'm assuming that if you have already made it to this part of my page that you either agree with me or are interested in me some what, other wise you wouldn't be here! Okay so let me touch base on the main number 1 thing! Yes my background is gothic, and yes I do at times dress gothic, Yes and I AM Wiccan and no I am not Wiccan because I think it is "cool" and NO I do not worship the devil. I will have you know that I am very devoted to my religion and have been since I was a child! The Gods and Goddesses have gifted me with a wonderful family, a loving husband and good friends how could I dare ever disgrace them?! What is Wicca you ask? I'm glad you're curious don't worry I plan on making an entire page devoted to just that question BUT if you simply can't wait to find out later then feel free to e-mail me or message me on myspace..the address is given above! Anyway, of course you have also already seen that I hate George Bush! Well can anyone blame me? Come on America we're talking about a man who was caught on tape trying to wave at Stevie Wonder! A man that told all of America that his most memorable moment in the white house was when he caught a bass in his lake which is also when he said quote "I believe that fish and man can co-exist!" America could not have voted for a more simplistic and utterly ignorant man for president! And whats worse is that he is slowly but surely draining us of every right we have! He is allowing soldiers to be killed in a war that is only being fought for the financial gain of a few greedy politicians, he has banned the most personal of ceremonies between people of the same sex or any sex for that matter and he is tearing our peoples apart! We have the racists who believe that every yellow skinned man they see is a terrorist, the creeps who think the war is "glorious", the people like us who do not agree with what is going on and then there are the people who are just to lazy to give a rats ass! Come on people we all know what is TRULY right, even if you are Christian and against Gay people you have to admit that to do to other people the things that are being done to us is just sick! Okay next subject, YES you did read that right I AM married and dating a woman! My husband knows all about her, she knows all about him and they are very good friends! I simply like the best of both worlds and the three of us see nothing wrong with don't have to agree but please don't judge! Well folks that just about does it for what I need to say!As you can tell I'm a very open mouthed, open minded person! Okay so maybe you could call me a prude but hey I don't care, it's who I am and I like myself just the way I am! No one will ever change me, so don't even waste your breath trying to! I am who I am! Oh yeah and by the way DRUGS ARE FOR DUMB ASSES! Oh and by the way my birth name is Anna but you can call me Isis!! Thank You and Blessed Be!
