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Welcome to my new little site. Yes, this site is made entirely out of HTML. It took me long agonizing hours to make this stuff. So don't go critisizing me just yet. I'm just a starter in this. Hopefully I will learn HTML(as first standards), which then I will try learning things like CGI, PERL, etc. God, wish me luck...


(Sorry, just had to put that on there...)


The current mood of at

††Anything that pops into my head††

August 21, 2002

Read my little article. US Secret Services and FBI tail innocent. A close friend of mine is now being called a terrorist. The stupidity and ignorance of 'the powers'.


August 20, 2002
I'm proud of me! Wanna know why? Becuase I bought me a CD player and with that I bought a new CD. Bad Religion; Generator. Well, anyways, I actually do like it. It sound much more different than everything else that is 'popular' here right now. So, that's one of the reasons here's the other; I saw Shindler's List, so poo on u Lev. Hehe, now I'll know what you are talking about. ^_^ I'm so cool, eh? Well, you're probably sitting there thinking that I'm a dumbass but whatever. Anyways, today was the first day of our 'all squad practice day at the school'. From 8:00AM to 1:00PM, in the schoolyard(*hinthintburningsunhinthint*), without a break. I almost melted there! ;_; Poor lil me. Well, other than that me happy that I'm going for a professional photo shoot tommorow as a favor for the photographer(no I'm not gonna pose nudes, but I bet you people would love to see that, perverts!!!!). I'm going to be this angel-like thing. Wheehee for me! Anyway, I've been updating the site a lot as you people might see. A lot of head-spliting head-aches. Oh, and btw I saw Lord of the Rings. It was good but what annoyed me is that they ended the storyline without letting us know what exactly happened. Just a hint that 'good will prevail and he will destroy the ring'. But c'mon...more precise? Wait, I think I've heard rumors that they're making more! Yay!


August 16, 2002
I am going to bring the counter off my old site here. I mean I have over 1000's a pity to loose all of that!!!!! Anyways, there's the new '++Thanks++' section. Check it out to find out who is behind most of this HTML. Now that I'm exposed...*sob sob* but hey, I came up with the layout and I also put it all together and....*sigh* I rule! Anyways. I'm slowly working on every section. Please don't abandon this site!!!! 'Cause you might never know, maybe I'll make something really cool! Anyways, for the main, I will start working on pages such as quizzes and a page about the people I hang out with. ^_^


August 10, 2002
I've just started. Please bare with me. I am still working on the "++Me++" section. It's still to be finished! Plus I will be making a lot more sub. sections!