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this site is pissing me off, its hard to update and when i preview something and click on back, the page has screw it, whats the point of previewing it...its frusterating having to type all the stuff again.
m.a.i.n. p.a.g.e.


@ the time of updating....02|22|02
[ located ] in my room
[ listening to ] coal chamber
[ wearing ] my lost shirt (one of them) and some pants...oh, pants, isnt that surprising?
[ wishing ] i could have actually went...(dont ask)
[ currently reading ] Lord of the Rings, (the 2 towers), right, still!!
[ waiting for ] nothing really...i sorta want monday to be here, because weekends are boring.
[ talking to ] melody and ethan
[ thinking ] i want some food, but i can't decide what to eat.
[ wondering ] if he knows...another he this time.
[ the quote/stupid moment of the day, by me:] I had a stupid moment...i was laughing really hard and i hit my head on a desk in drama, and obviously it was funny.
The current mood of at

...a SuRveY i fiLLeD oUt...
...*ReAd mY thOuGhtS*...
...TaKe A LoOk aT mE...
...ReAd My pOemS...
...A lONg LiSt of sOnGs i LuV. dOwnLoAd tHeM!...
...WhAt i LiKe, wHaT i dOn'T LiKe...
...oRiGiNaL sTuPiDitY...
...LiNxZ & StuFf...
...ThErE aRe iGnOrAnT PeOpLe iN tHiS wOrLd...
...A jOuRnaL*TyPe Of tHiNg...
...sOme LoVeLy LyRix...
...cArToOn dOLLz...
//sign //view


...a LiTtLe nOte fROm Me...