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My AIM Web Site

Hey everybody its ur buddy Chris. This website will tell you all the things you need to know about me and all of the things that are happening around me! <bgsound src="sephirm2.mid"> <bgsound src="song.mid"> <bgsound src="stormwindpostsymphony.mid"> <bgsound src="stringsofsilence.mid"> List Of Friends
  1. horses1202-~~My GF Charras~~
  2. flowagrll76-My Sister Lizzie
  3. redheadedQT83-My good friend Bri
Fav Books
  1. Sabriel By:Garth Nix
  2. Lireal By:Garth Nix
  3. Abhorsen(My Fav of the series) By:Garth Nix
  4. Keys to The Kingdom Series By:Garth Nix
  5. Shades Children By:Garth Nix
  6. All of the Harry Potter Books By:J.K. Rowling
Birthdays to remember
  1. My Birthday April, 23
  2. my Mom and Lizzies Birthday February, 12
  3. The Baby's Birthday November, 18
  4. Charras's Birthday April, 25
  5. Dad's Birthday March, 30
Thats all for now check every week for updates!

All music Used with permission of Lance Pratt and RSX Nova animation
Background retrieved from Google