Personified Sanity
Dire need and dire greed, send to all with dire needs  
Damn them all with fire and flames,
Destroy the world with thoughts insane.

There was a time when I thought that living meant dying. But now I know that living is dying. i saw these people one day, who were walking down the street whence I was quite, I'd have to say in the norm. Places were pleasant, people were pleasant, and everything was alright. I gazed up at the moon, and saw that it was close to full, noted it, then moved on. Slowly, I set my gaze towards the buildings of Santa Cruz. Ah the lovely scent of the poor along with the rich. Such a sweet smell, invigorating, sensual, vile.

Ah, as I walked down the Strip, (aka Pacific Ave.) I noted a few of the most interesting people I've encountered so far in the world.  There is a group of people that sit by the Metro center that hang around and cause much havoc and trouble with many of those who interact with them.  Although I wouldn't hold it a gainst them because that is all that they know.  I acquience the fact that they try to get money from me without working for me, but that is alright by my book.  Slowly, I make my way down the other side of the strip, and pass multiple coffee houses bustling with people around this Friday evening, and notice that a few of the girls there stare at me.  Ah well, their intelligence is that which matches little green vegetables that kids mostly hate to eat.

Maybe, people should be more careful looking at other people, because as I looked back, they quickly looked away as if they were expecting some form of malice on my face.  I continued walking brushing some dust from my coat.  I watch the dust fall to the ground, oh deer god, there's vomit on the floor.  Maybe I should have let it alone, but I got the compulsion to stick my face in it and lap it all up, just lick after satisfying lick.  But I quickly got over the fact as the nauseating smell reached my nostrils.  Things happen for a reason most people say, but I have no clue as to what is going on.  I have never been thoughtful of anything in my life.  Everything has enthralled each and every one of my senses to a degree that I have no clue who I am anymore.  Or maybe its just a delusion I have set for myself. 

Something urges me to look towards the sky.  More a compulsion, and all of a sudden, I have not a clue as to whether I am hallucinating or not, but I see my childhood up to the way I am now.  All passing for what seemed an eternity.  All the rights I have done, that have added up to nothing except my own personal hatred for humanity, the world, and myself.  I feel like scourging my eyes out of my head.  I don't have any clue as to what I am doing here, and why.  Madness to think that I saw such a thing.  *flash* 

He is walking down a path towards the castle.  The castle by the large seemed quite solemn, much solice was around at that moment.  Everything is changing.  A major battle has been won against the southern kingdom of Treal.  King Veryl Deinet of Treal was always money hungry and wanting more land than necessary.  Everything always had to be his.  If he didn't own it, he would make it his one way or another.  Truly, his armies were some of the best in the world, with the finest archers, and the fiercest calvary.  He wasn't always like this, but that is a tale for another time.  

His sword thunked at his side, though he was not a knight.  The sword that his father had owned.  His father was a great man.  Although his father was a farmer, the man did always get food on the table and a good ammount of gold.  He could get things like jewels for mother, and clothes for all of them.  He could also get new things such as horses, wagons, and televisions.... *FLASH*

All of a sudden looking up from the streets of Santa Cruz, he was on the ground, his body parts sore, and everything was strange.  But he had lived here in Santa Cruz for 23 years.  He was born here for crying out loud.  Why is everything so unfamilliar here?  These people, they're so strange.  Everybody is dressed just. . . weird.  As he looked at his hands, a flash came, and he was looking at gauntleted hands.  A dragon entwining each gauntlet, and a large spike coming out of the center knuckle.  A man comes running at him, screaming battle cries long forgotten, and as he thrust his spike into the gauntleted mans throat, a moment of pure extacy overcomes him.

Then the sleeper awakes.  A 13 year old boy, waking in his bed.  The year is 1999, and everything was great.  All this boy has to do is go to another day at school.  Enjoy life, and wait to grow up.  He slides out of his bed, and dresses into his school uniform.  He washes his face, then brushes his teeth.  As he walks downstairs, he sees his mother waiting for him at the bottom of the staircase smiling up at him.  Breakfast is ready as usual.  After a lovely breakfast of french toast, oven warmed buns, and a tall glass of orange juice, he grabs his back pack, and waits by the front door.  Slowly, as he opens the front door, he notices that the day is much darker than usual, like night even.  A small throng of people are outside, but they don't look like they're normal.  The boy hears a noise from behind him, and turns around and looks.  Creatures are standing where his parents were, and they look at him with blood thirsty eyes.  They lurch towards him.  

The sleeper awakes.