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Audra, It’s funny how things are easier felt and told than written. However I feel that writing and revising this is the best way to explain things. To get started I just want to take a breathe. It’s funny how in life a simple thing like taking a breathe can be so important. So much can be said with one short breathe. Two years may seem like a long time ago, but for me it was only one small breathe ago. Sure we fought sometimes but look at what was going on at the time. Those two years had some of the best moments in my life and really showed me what two people that love each other can make it through. You seem happy now and in no way am I trying to prevent that. Cause day in and day out, all I want is for you to be happy. I just don’t want us to live the rest of our live with “what if” We have something really special between us. Something that a lot of people can never find. And although I don’t know how you truly feel about me I can tell there is still a lot of feeling there inside you. We always look back upon the past as good times, times that we miss. Why look back though when we could be lookin forward. Two years now I’ve been by your side as a friends. Being there for you whenever you needed me, no matter what the problem. This will never change between us. And neither will the way I feel about you, and how much I still love you. Part of this love is my need for you to be happy with or without me. Cause knowing your happy is all I really need. I just really don’t want us to live life with a “what if” in our heads. Im not trying to win you over or stop what you have now. I am however re-confessing my love towards you and want you to to consider down the road to give our love another run. The time I spend with you is the time that I really get to live. There was a lot of stress and bad things in our past. I believe this is what ended a relationship that would still be strong today. Times between us where great but the lives around us is what we had trouble dealing with. People say that the person you marry or stay together with is someone you can picture getting old with and spending the rest of your life with. I can picture the next 5,10,15,20 years of our life without even trying. So take this not as trying to ruin something good but opening your eyes to the love we had carrying on. So live your life today but don’t go thinking we wouldn’t of been something great. Cause I can’t picture my life without anyone else and being as happy. I love you with all the love I have to give. Forever Yours, Andy