Gothic Faerie's Misery

Blessed be. I'm the Gothic Faerie, and this is my page of misery...oh, so gawth!
This page is, quite obviously, a work-in-progess, and I honestly don't know where I'm going with it at this point. Maybe inspiration will strike me soon...or maybe it will just be lightning, knowing my luck.
Anyways, I'm pretty fucking perky right now. I am happy to say that I have found the love of my life, whom I will be spending eternity with. It's a nice feeling.
If you want to talk to me, don't bother with email; I trash most of mine anyway. Come to the Graveyard Chat on Yahoo! Don't know how to get there? Go to Chat->Cultures and Communities->Groups-> and down near the end of the list is the good ol' Graveyard. Come say hi. Let me bore you with my incessant rambling.

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