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Che'el d'Iil Elghinyrr

Beware of the Silence that may follow wary travelers

Nobles of First House Umrae'isstra
Factions of Khal'thunn
Khal'thunn Missives
A time of Beginning
Che'el d'lil Elghinyrr
Turgon Ar'Feiniel Missives

Center in the darkest regions of the Black Mountians of what was the great lands of Windsar, House Umraeisstra rose up forth as its faceads were constructed deep within the mountian side. It's black spiraling towers rising to the very blackened heavens of the night sky. The kolbolds, and deurgars began their carving. A few elven slaves carving the interiquet designs of the drow within the blackened stone. It's great arches standing tall outside the gates as the spider web like metal was drawn together by the Archmages of House Umraeisstra. Yet this house wouldn't follow the ways of Lolth.

It would take decades to build such a house of greatness for the humans of the mortal world where it only took a few months to finish House Umraeisstra. The black stoned formations were smoothed to a polish finish inside and out. Purple fairy fire would soon ignite within the grand halls as it would flicker in some eerie like dance to an unfelt breeze. Slaves and servants alike would soon fill the halls and rooms to carry about the needs for their Matron Mother and Warlord. The sounds of drow song enchanted the very walls of such a place of splendor and all was well for a awhile until that very night when the ascent and assault was placed upon Umraeisstra.

At the very bottom of the mountian side would trail upwards in a spiraling formation of polished blackened stone as arches aligned themselves and torches of purple fairy fire lit the way from unwary travelers that were unaware of what lay behind the walls Umraeisstra. The Great House built a decade ago had fallen into silence when the yolchols the very handmaidens of Lolth invaded upon Xor'Aneth's slumber and stealing him away. The punishment of betraying the Spider Queen meant death but not for him. She tortured his very being, his very mind, body and soul. And in his absence Umraeisstra fell into a deathly silence.

Those that had not known the forth coming were slaughtered or taken away by the handmaidens for other purposes to the Queen. Vasue was not about for she was with her daughter in the Eastern Realms when all this came about. And when she returned she was appauled by what had happened. Blood lay about dried to the black marbled surface of the floor's of every room. House Umraeisstra's armies slaughtered by the demon's of Errutu. A warning to the house that did not follow their Goddess's desire. It only sickened Vasue to look upon such destruction. She and her daughter rushed about trying to piece things together and place such a brutal massacre upon her home. Shadow's of a doubt raced through the Matron's mind as the dangers might still be present. Yet there was none only silence and bodies laying about.

Xor'Aneth had spent his torturing moments deep within the Spider Queen's conclave chained to the wall where she, herself for the time laided upon his very flesh the deadly snake whips stinging bites. Her wicked laughter filling the room as the assualt continued forth for three days till his body hang limp within the chains. She raped his body, his mind and the very soul for which he valued. When Lolth was finished with him she threw him to the Demon Lord Errutu and his balor's to fight for the demon's pleasure. Countless days or nights whatever it was Xor'Aneth fought against the Balor demon's and against the Succubi that would taunt and tease his very essence's.

Making him think of his Beloved Tatyanna as they took her form countless times as they took advantage of his manhood and his well toned form. When all was finished Lolth took hold of him once more and entered his mind placing her own seed within him so she could control his every move. Making him do her bidding upon the surface world. Bringing the slaughter to the innocences of the Forest and his own realms.
