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Geminus Aquila's MindSpace

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

Things that can be blamed on me:

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Lets start with this: people who want to chat sometime me must include a certain codeword written somewhere herein in the subjectline of an email to me, extra points for using it creatively! the codeword will be changed occasionally, and its to make you prove that you read this before you emailed me. its somewhere in the following paragraphs. e.x."codeword....." if you dont include it, i'll assume you didnt read this. you cant feign illiteracy, because then you couldnt write an email to me. i dont use that many big words, so you wont be needing a dictionary. tell me about yourself in the email... i don't need a "hey, what's up?"

but moving on.... i'm an acquired and occasionally allergen forming taste. i might take you a while to like me, thats normal. some people after a while of knowing me hate me. that happens too. im an arty and i do movies and filmmaking. I currently have black hair, but the purple, green and blue hair (like a peacock) and red haired ones are very recent (half a year ago about) I was born blonde in Helsinki, Finland. Size 8. im not huge but im not a waif either.

i love older british men like Alan Rickman (swoooon!), Ralph Fiennes, and David Bowie. I do, however, have a boyfriend. i have a fetish for septum piercings. ive only ever had 3 boyfriends in a lifetime. i only hate one of them because he's an imbecile and won't leave me alone, which is consequentially ruining my sense of happiness and security. and anything i say here, he will read and email me about even though i dont care and want him to go cut off his hands so he can no longer use a computer.

ive been told that im hard to approach. but if you initiate conversation wih me and have something interesting to say or random as long as it doesnt have to do with me being good looking, i'll probably talk to you. ive had extensive conversations with people ive only just met. frequently ive had a third party ask "oh, so how long have you guys been friends?" and i inform them that we havent even been properly introduced yet. ha.

hmm what else to say. i have a unique take on femenism. its not being ashamed of your body and hiding it under baggy pants and flannel shirts. i think you should look awesome for yourself. if a girl really wanted a date bad enough they could take off their makeup and put on some sweatpants, because men like uncomplicated, more simple girls. i'm not a "girl next door" and you can't change that.

i am probably going to die a drunken wrinkled spinster living with 10 little yappy dogs that i name obcenely cute names, and the extent of my love life will be a box of randomly shaped vibrators in various flavors and colors that i rotate aroud with the rest of the women on the floor of my apartment building. i will make a vain attempt at a film career in which i will fail miserably because in the words of the american public "we didnt go to a movie to think!". elaborate costumes, unusual surroundings and a strange twisting plot will mean nothing to anyone but me and i will die clutching a suitcase filled with copies of all my films. but hey, i'll die happy! im naturally a blonde. no i wont send you nude pics. i have 10 cats, two dogs, a rabbit and a fish. im a celibate nymphomaniac. i dont pretend that im "shpookie" and i dont draw doodles with my eyeliner that extend onto my forehead. and i won't talk to you if you do. i dont wear black lipstick. i dont think anyone should. i dont think im a vampire. and if you think youre a vampire, i'd suggest you go get tested for AIDs and stupidity. they have a combo test these days its really convenient. and if you go thru the drive thru, they also have an add on rectal exam and tongue piercing option for only 5.99 extra. if you do drugs, we can talk. about anything but drugs. but i will probably avoid hanging out with you. while i firmly believe there is nothing *morally* wrong with pot and other drugs, i believe that it is a gateway drug and you couldnt possibly have a good influence on me in any way. im a free-lance bum, i do nothing all day besides read, go to school and do my homework and draw. i enjoy pepperoni pizza.i looove mandarin oranges. i'm practical romantic,not a stalker. i dont cheat, its against my being. i wont judge by your past, because thats gone this is now. im sXe (straight edge... no drugs, alcohol or promiscuous sex) but wont force my beliefs on friends. if you do all those things, thats fine, just dont expect me to hang out with you while you do or are under the influence of those things. i can be mean, but in a joking way. im spontaneous.


im a liberal democrat & i have black, gay, bi and everything else u may not like for friends. im open minded & will respect your opinion if you respect mine. hate is not an opinion, its a crutch.bring me a valid argument, not just blind hate.also, please dont come to me looking for sex, women are human beings too. if you try to connive your way into sex with me by playing nice, youll find im not as stupid as i look. youll have a hot curling iron up your ass faster than you can shout "RAPE!".

if u want to contact me, feel free to do so, but if i give you my sn dont freak out when i dont respond immedietely, i have a short attention span and tend to wander off alot and come back to a conversation 3 hours later... so patience is a must... i immedietely dislike anyone who bitches or whines when i dont respond. im often not even at my comp. If you want more pics of me, click below , its all in my gallery. theres like 800 billion of them there... please dont contact me looking for more pictures if you didnt bother to read my entire site...makes me think youre not interested in knowing me, just knowing what i look like >:-(


i like to touch things. i like older british men. i like to touch older british men. ha. i like cupcakes in the cemetary. i love cartoons and movies with talking animals. i enjoy videotaping my adventures. i love tatts and piercings. i love my piercings.(navel, nose, ears(5), lip (twice). i like seafood, and my big fuckin boots. i like men, and nonsense and things that make me laugh, except for when somone blows a raspberry on my stomach, because i will most likely flail, and i'll cry and then i'll pee. (not really, this theory has never been proven..dont try it!) uuum i love to laugh, and im terrible at being serious... i often accidentally make people feel worse because i cant be serious in a sad situation, even if the situation is mine and im the one who's upset. oh well i guess thats not too bad it distracts me from me. i like carbs. i love pomegranates. shiny things. my short attention span. things with vertical stripes. green silver and black. beautiful people. i like seeing beautiful women and men and telling them so. cosmetics. being absolutely silly. i enjoy long walks on the ocean and being crucified. getting gussied up in period garb in the winter to have tea in the park. feathers. trees with holes and the woods. i like to sit in trees all dressed like a fairy and granting wishes to those who pass beneath me. lumberjack hunting. pancake frisbee. catching frogs. logs. i bet the people "interested" in me stopped reading and started looking at my pictures by now. if youve made it this far, i like you already.

i like curls. dark hair and pale skin. (on men especially) the 80's and especially 80's fantasy movies. i live there mentally. if you were to look inside my ear, you'd see david bowie wearing tight pants and dancing around inside. severus snape would also be in there as well, but he wouldnt be wearing tight pants (he'd just be threatening to "discipline" me 0;-P ) i also like MC Escher and optical illusions. words that when you look at them one way say something and when u flip it over says something else. even better, when you flip it upside down, it says exactly the same thing but not backwards. (to see what i mean go to and look up the book Abarat. look at the cover title and then look at it upside down. same word, same font. its the nifty spiffs.) if i dont feed the squirrels in my backyard, theyll kidnap my kitties. they sit in the trees every time i go out and look at me and shreik like dying babies. you think im kidding? cuz im not...

i think 1 dead baby stapled to 11 trees is better than 11 dead babies stapled to one tree. i love thinking games like scattergories. i hate playing candy land because i was stuck in an ice storm once and that was the only game me and my friends could find. we played it for three days. if you actually read all of this i really like you. IM me sometime.


i h8 the phone. drugs suck too. i dont drink, dont smoke, dont have promiscuous sex. im not much of a party person, but that doesnt mean i dont know how to have fun. people who think girls should weigh 100 lbs. yeah um no. im not "fat" but im not anorexic either. i dont like the way sore throat sprays taste but i like the way they make my throat feel for .2 seconds. hiccups that dont go away. i hate neo-nazis and closed-minded ness. i personally dont like bush, but thats none of youre business. you can like him and thats none of my business. i dont wish to argue. ive dated republicans. just accept my opinion and i'll accept yours.

i also dont like feet. reaaallly dont like feet. if you dont have feet or have invisible feet (invisibility socks are acceptible), and youve read this far, you should email me. (the pw is: Potions Masters Liberation Front)

moving along... i am not very tolerant to self-misery addicts. We all get down sometimes, but if this lasts longer than a week and its something you can change, then dont whine about it to me. i dont mind being the shoulder you can cry on (unless its a dry-clean-only shirt), but only if its something out of your control, or temporarily out of control. if your boyfriend dumped you, you can cry and i'll commiserate for about a week. but after that week i'd better see you trying to move on. this happens. if you get dumped, it means that something better is on its way. even if its years away, thats just giving you time to improve yourself to get the good person you deserve.

i dont deal with alcoholics and drug users. dont tell me "you're living life to its fullest" youre just covering up life because youre too scared to deal with real life. and its pretty sad. if getting drunk is the only way you know how to have "fun" then i dont want to hang with you, cuz i bet youre a really really boring person. if you drink because daddy beat you when you were a kid, or cuz your gross neighbor molested you 20 years ago, thats terrible, sure, but its something you need to move on from. you need to grow from hardship, and make the best of your life. if dad beat you and called you a peice of shit, and now you drink and thats your excuse for not working hard, and your excuse for alcohol, its a pretty bad one. youre no longer a peice of shit cuz your dad said you were, youre a peice of shit because you wont prove him wrong and youre making yourself that way. its no way to live your life. you need to go to group therapy and realize this wasnt your fault.

dont complain to me about rich people. never ever do so unless its just their "attitude". but never tell me youre jealous of their money. yknow how they got it? they worked hard. we all started with diddly shit, and we all die with diddly shit. richie rich isnt showing up at hells gate wearing a Gucci toga, and neither are you, so cool off. and if someone inherited or was born into money, yknow how they keep it? they work hard to keep it. they invest it, they start a business. if youre born with 32 million to your name, buying Armani suits and silk panties aint gonna keep you in the money, sunshine. they work hard to keep it.

if youre pissed because youre 25 years old, and have three kids to feed and work at mcdonalds (and youre not paying your way thru law school) don't complain to me. first off, i have three suggestions that would have alleviated your plight: condoms, birthcontrol, abstinence. it doesnt just "slip" and fall in. the vagina aint that big. The only time they call it a "canal" is when u shove a screaming infant out of it. no one in the history of mankind has ever slipped and fallen into the birth canal. it was your choice to do the action that was designed to produce children. yknow what they call guys who use the "pull-out" as a means of birthcontrol? "fathers". so if youre workin at mcdonalds at 25 heres what i have to say: in high school, all you had to do was show up. in this lovely country i live in now, education is almost free. you can go to community college and get a degree to become a nursing assistant or go be a paralegal.

i overheard two women complaining because welfare (yes, *welfare*) doesnt pay them enough to feed their 4 kids. i told them, look honey, these kids and your lack of getting your ass out there and working hard for what is *youre* problem is *your* responsibility. If youre temporarily out of a job, thats what welfare was designed to help with. it was not designed so lazy people could sit on their butts and have a beer. i asked if they had any intention of getting a job and feeding themselves, and they had none. they should be forced to work. i think we should reinstitute the debtors prison into society. because if theres something you can do about it, then why are you crying?

if youre 50 lbs overweight and not happy with yourself, then you can diet and exercise. all you need to do is get your sneakers on and hit the pavement.

ngry about eating dolphin from a can? go protest and sign a petition.

dont like bush? go vote.

but i have little tolerance for those who cry about things that life isnt holding over their heads. all it takes is a little hard work, persistance and will power.

this life is full of opportunities, but they dont come door to door. opportunity is sitting by the phone watching "Will and Grace" waiting for *you* to call it. who cares if long distance isnt in your phoneplan. email opportunity. send it an owl. but its not gonna try to squeeze itself through your mailslot or your toilet and grab your ass any time soon, sorry killer.

If you want something bad enough, you'll work for it.


i dont really like to talk about music because everyone seems to pull the whole "i like them more than you" thing, or the "you dont like/haven't heard of blankity blank??! wtf!" or judges you based on what music you listen to. but my favorite band is HIM. now look up finland on the internet and write me a ten page essay on the topic of the gothic subculture found there.

My Take on The Meaning of Life:

if i could ask the universe one question, it wouldnt be "whats the meaning of life?" i know what the meaning of life is. we're on this earth to improve ourself to our fullest extent so we can benefit ourselves and the rest of the earth.

given the chance, i would ask the universe, "if there are aliens in the universe, what is their society like?"

i think i've just about covered everything. i dont care if i get flamed for this. Hell, i'd love to hear your opinions on why people should be allowed to sit around and whine about things they can change.
