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~Forsakenheart's poems page~

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"Why are my visions so tortured with suffering? And why do I no longer care?"
--Dark, Exquisite

well this is my page of nothing but poems that i enjoy, if you have any that you would want me to put on here i'd be glad to, just email em to me.. or sign the guestbook, once more please sign my book and tell me what you think.. also i am trying to find the authors of these poems, so if you send me a poem, please include your name, well here goes, take a look!

"...being Goth, for me, is seeing beauty, and its coming destruction, at the same time. For me..It's the last dance as the walls are crumbling around you..." Beatgrrl

-Die for love-
I sit in the park where I dwell For this boy I love so well He took my heart away from me Now he wants to set me free I see a girl on his lap He says things to her he never said to me I ran home to cry on my bed Not a word to mother was said Father came home late that night He looked at me from left to right He saw me hanging from a rope He took his knife to cut me down And on my dress a note was found: Dig my grave Dig it deep Dig my grave From head to feet And on the top place a dove And remember this, I died for love….~

~Ballerina La Belle
A tear may fall when she moves across the stage in what could only be called floating Like a feather she glides from side to side and falls upon the unknowing
A simple gesture holds more emotion than romance and mystery and magic potions And seemingly soft inside powerful physique she allures you in to her wonderous mystique
Beckoning with hands that could tell a story and eyes that keep you in her spell She laughs and cries as something dies My Ballerina La Belle
She dances softly, swiftly, sweet You'd see the clouds beneath her feet Fraily she bends to show you her sorrow her face is torment as she hopes for tomorrow She reaches towards the Heavens in all her grace opens her heart but covers her face
And you know she'll break when the tears begin to swell She laughs and cries my Ballerina La Belle She will fall like the feather fell She will, she will my Ballerina La Bell~

~Prison of Rejection
Bitter, Dry, Black Tears, Fall From Sweet, Liquid, Blue Eyes. Black as Night colored streaks, Stain Pale as Moon Cheeks. Her face, Once glowed in happiness; Now it is Still, Doll-like, Expressionless. That Fiery Passion, Now Covered in Icy Depression. That Loving Spirit, Buried six feet in Hatred and Anger. Her Warm, Gentle Heart? Shielded by Cold, Harsh Ice. The Brightness with those eyes, Clouded in Thick Darkness. She silently wonders, Who will Free her, From this Prison of Rejection~

Souls Without Names
The fires of Hell burn bright In the middle of the night Waiting for an angel to fall No hope of salvation at all A poor lost soul Is swallowed up whole Consumed in the flames They are souls without names The fires are ablaze In this fiendish maze Consumed by guilt and shame There is no one else to blame The fires are aglow As you sink so low The Devil has cast his spell You face eternity in Hell~~

~River of Dreams
Blood-curdling screams Can be heard from the river of dreams Wash away your fears In a flood of blood red tears Time ticks away As night follows day A witness at the scene Of a site so obscene That she tears out her eyes A child never lies But is often misled The hungry are never fed One body on top of another The sadness of a mother Who has lost a child So meek and mild Drowning in sorrow For her there is no tomorrow~

~Self-Abuser I slashed my wrist Gave the knife a final twist In a search for inner peace Some sort of release I am a born again nihilist I don’t need you to be my apologist Going to pump a substance into my vein To try and release the pain You can call it self-abuse Or just another excuse To avoid facing up to reality That’s just my mentality I am into self-denial I cough up phlegm and bile I am going to try starvation In the hope of salvation~

~The Temptress Dresses to impress She will lead you astray And have her wicked way She will lead you on And then she’ll be gone She will stay in your mind She is one of a kind She will leave you spellbound But beware a body is often found In places she has been Crimes that are so obscene She will lead you to her bed Then shoot you in the head Or else she will leave you to her friends The torment never ends A horde of vampires baying for blood You have entered the Devil’s hood Feel at home you will not be leaving Be prepared for the horrors you’ll be receiving Pray to the Lord on High Before they bleed you dry They will bury you in the foulest recess Just another victim of the Temptress~

~I Infect Your Soul My darkness fades from view And enters deep into you I infect your soul Let my darkness swallow you whole You are part of my dreams I am the precursor to your screams I engulf your spirit And take you to the limit Taking you over the edge Leaving you dangling on the ledge To jump and die Go on, pretend you can fly Let me watch you fall to the ground I will watch with joy unbound Let me take away your life Let me hand you this sharpened knife End it all And beware the fall Deep down into my dark black hole I am the keeper of your poor lost soul Come join with me Embrace me Clutch me to your breast Let my dark magic do the rest We are the terrors that fly in the night There is no point in putting up a fight Let us entwine Your wretched soul is mine Let us again embrace And leave behind this damned human race Your body is nothing but an empty shell Your soul belongs with me in Hell I infect your soul Let my darkness swallow you whole~

~black petals
I've watched the world paint your petals red Blood will trickle without comment now Cursed with an unfortunate hue And it seems your blossoms that now wane Have lost their union with the night sky ~

i would stand outside your window until you gave me a chance, i would swim with the sharks coverd in blood, i would walk a thousand miles jsut to be noticed, i would go the full limit and do things i would never do before, i would try new things just for the hell of it, i would do anything just to get your attention, so dont understemate me just look at me once and ask me to do something more then likely the answer will be yes... ---- kyle king

robot boy
mr. and mrs. smith ahd a wonderful life. they were a normal, happy husband and wife. one day they got the news that mr. smith glad. mrs. smith would be a mom, which would make him the dad! bur somrhinf was wrong with their bundle of joy. it wasn't human at all, it was a robot boy! he wasn't warm and cuddly and he didnt have skin. instead, there was a cold thin layer of tin. there were wires and tubes sticking out of his head. he just lay there and stare, not living or dead. the only time he seemed alive at all was with a long extension cord plugged into the wall. mr. smith yelled at the doctor, "what have you done to my boy? he's not flesh and blood, he's aluminum alloy!" the doctor said gently, "what i'm going to say, will sound pretty wild. but you're not the father of this strange looking child, there still is some question about the childs gender, but we thinkg that it's father is a microwave blender." wthe smiths' lived were now filled with misery and strife. mrs. smith hated her husband, and he hated his wife. he never forgave her unholy alliance: a sexual encounter with a kitchen appliance. and robot boy grew to be a young man. though he was often mistaken for a garbage can.
-Tim Butron (from the book 'the melancholy death of oyster boy and other stories')

My brain is thumping, my ears are about to blow, blood is coming out of my eyes, my bones are cracking and breaking, i can barely see, my vision is blury, i cant think straight, i cant walk straight, my body is messed up, to many people played around with me, i finally blew, soon my brain with blow, my ears will break, my eyes are about to fall out, my bones are about to disenegrate, my mind is about to explode...soon ill be gone, ill be dead...and as my last words all i have to say is fuck this shitty ass world, all its caused me was pain.
By:Kyle King

LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT ME!! its my twin.. heh

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