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Words from the Wicked one.
I come when you're sleeping and when the day light fades.
Posted by: Wicked D

Still working on them. Keep checking back.
Posted by: Wicked D

What's new in my life
Working at Eden Terrace now. Single (no surprise) lost my snake. Looking to move.
Posted by:Wicked D

Personal Messages
To a few seperate special people

Misha, you are like the big sister in which I needed growing up. If you had been there for me in my childhood, I might not be as fucked up as I am now.

To any Ex-Girlfriend that might be reading this. Each and all of you have left scars upon me. I never thought much of the pain until after I realized what I had done to myself. But now, those scars are with me and it was because of all of your betrayls and ignorance.

Kevan and Mike. Kevan, I've known you since the Little 9 and I've known Mike since the Little Blue. You guys are like family up in here, but I hate both of you. J/K

Brandon- I've tried to kill you before man, but look at us now? Still at each other's throats. We've done a lot of crazy ass shit together man, no one can deny that. The late nights of chaos and early mornings of destruction. And sorry you have to live where you are now.

Tiny, I must say man. You've helped me out through thick and thin and always had an S word to back up every wind that you broke.

Tommie- Someone whom for some reason or another has always wanted to help me out. Why, I can't say. But there is some odd bond there. The Bone Yard people- All of you...Jason, Thornne, Crystal, Kristen, Tiffany, Dean....almost all of you are friends now. Can't stand some of you though.