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Fate/Stay Night Role Playing Game

Database Information

The RP location
Creating a Character
Rules and Regulations
The FSN Guide

The story (Please note that this added story takes place during the anime/game's though leaned more on the games, to help Sakura and rin's role better)): Emiya Shirou, and his "Allies" Or so rin would say, continue the Holy Grail war. However, when Shirou is suddenly teleported in a world called "The dark world" he is left clueless and lost. When, he meets two people of the Dark World who strangely look like Sakura (who's name Sukie) and Rider (who's named Moyo) Sukie explains to the clueless Shirou that this world has had many holy grail wars. Unlike, his world's holy grail wars, this world has them every 5 years!! He also learns that Suki's sister whom had won the last grail wants it again, althought Shirou at first thought that it wouldn't approve of her an second time, he realizes that she could do it in an similar fanshion as Castor. He also learns, that an new rule as been put into this world's grail wars. In order to fully win the seven master and servents of this world must get the holy grail from boths worlds. At first, Shirou had found this impossible to be true, but he learns that the grail has made two versions of itself in both worlds! Which, only spells one word.. "Trouble". Shirou now must think of a way to get back to his world to tell his friends about all of this. But, there is one probelm with that. He finds out that the other people of this world hate the "light" people, thinking that they will come and unleash their servents upon them to drain the high mana from their bodies. Which to sum it all up, that means they hate him too. So, will he be able to tell them? Or will the holy grail wars of both worlds combine to make it one huge hell hole? Please note that this group is like the show on what it has in it such as Violence, a small bit of nudity and ect.