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Christians hellbent on making everyone else Christian

I have noticed something about fanatical religious freaks, ESPECIALLY those of the Christian persuasion. That thing in which I have noticed is this: they are hellbent on converting the world and everyone in the world. What does this mean? If you aren't like them in all religious aspects then you are going to hell for sure. And their job? Why, to save you, of course, by making you EXACTLY LIKE THEM. Ah, yes, and what is "them?" A flock of hypocritical, brainwashed morons who could not think for themself if there was a gun being held to their head! {Note: I'm not talking about ALL Christians here. Just the ones who feel the need to shove their shit in everyone else's face.} Why do they bug me? I simply can't STAND people who cannot think for themselves! Me, well, as George Carlin says, "I do this real moron thing, it's called thinking." My problem is that I honestly can't see how people can stand to always think through someone/something else, and never have a thought of their own running through their mind! Oh yes, and back to those damned fanatical Christians, since I seem to have gone off topic... There have been innumeral times in which I have argued with these people, both in person (remember Saturday Market, Gilly?) and on the internet, and you know what? They never really have anything interesting or original to say. They just keep saying that it's "God's will." In other words, these conversations never really go anywhere. All the Christians involved do is keep repeating the same thing. Also, they typically have no hard evidence backing up what is coming out of their mouths! Oh yes, and then comes the part I just love. They have a tendancy to accuse me of being a Satan worshipper once it gets through their thick little skulls that I do not believe in God... Excuse me, that I don't believe in THEIR God. Their excuse? If you don't believe in one, then you must believe in the other. Therefore I must be a Satan worshipper, huh? Something funny: I don't even believe that there IS a Satan!! What do you make of that? Well... Seeing that I MUST be a Satan worshipper and all, what is their next step? Why, to convert me to being a mindless, brainwashed, god-loving/fearing dolt, of course! They do this up to the point in which I am forced into telling them to go fuck themselves. NOw, I VERY VERY VERY seldom use telling them to go fuck themselves as a first resort, or even a close to last resort, as it shows a complete lack of creativity. I prefer calling them something interting, like a brainless necrophelia zombie! Most of the time they have absolutely no idea what I've just called them. That's the fun part. I just love it when they do this, getting confused, I mean. They never even get around to converting me, either. Apparently they get it in their heads that I'm a lost cause and am not worth the whole conversion process. If I am arguing with one of them online like I usually am {By the way, they always "pick on" me first... Never me on them first.} I'll think of some really brilliant comeback and what happens? "User Not Available." Another one defeated.

Rants, rants, rants, want more rants...