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For the past three months or so, I have worked in a little bead shop. For such a small shop, there are an insane amount of beads in it. I'm not talking hundreds, either. I'm talking more like thousands. There are also usually a very large number of people in the shop. That doesn't seem like an important fact now, but I'll get to it.

I seems to be a bit absurd that just because someone works there, they'd know the price of every single bead the place sells. Every price of thousands of beads. Does anyone that works there know? Fuck no, they don't. And because of this fact, we ask that people write down the price and quantity of their beads before they even attempt to come pay for them. There are pencils and paper by the door. There are also rather large signs all throughout the store reminding people that they need to write down their beads. Not only are there large signs, but there are also a lot of them. It seems very hard that you could be looking at beads and NOT see the damned signs, they're so big (and in neon pink ink). What happens? Everyday a VERY, VERY, VERY large fistful of people will come up to the counter with their beads not written down. I'll ask them if they know how much they cost, and of course they don't know. And to top it off? Some of them get mad at ME for not knowing! Yes, just because I work here, I should know what every single little thing costs. And even though there are about 30 signs telling you you need to write your shit down, and you were too stupid/blind to see them and take heed, it's my fault. Right? Accoring to some of the assholes I have to deal with some days, that's exactly the case.

Until I started working there, I really never realized how stupid people are. I've lost all the faith for the human race that I never even had in the first place.

Back to the place where you'll be annoyed...
Go back to your hole...