ummm hi *waves*

Separate the Users from the Wh0res


"Time ticks away these last few moments, is there anything we've left unsaid? I'm on a quest for the truth, I got to find peace of mind and a place to rest."



So you found my page. Isn't that great. Well, as you sit back and smirk at my failed attempt to be creative, I'm just going to meaninglessly babble on about my life. You can leave if you don't like it. So... enjoy my site or leave. Don't come crying to me if all this is just wasting your time. Apparently you're the one that's still looking at it, right? Right. So I can just go on and on about absolutely nothing at all and you'll still continue to read it, eh? But I'm a nice person so I won't do that. Okay. On to the good stuff.


About Me
(Stuff that you don't really need to know.)

Grad Nite, May 24, 2003
(Let's get the fuck out.)

(These are priceless.)

Quiz Results
(These are too funny, you *must* try them.)

The White Light Of Evil
(A short novel I wrote.)

About My Friends
(Mindless crap about them.)

Other Pictures
(Umm *shrug*.)

The Grads
(Love you guys... gonna miss ya...)

Our Last Days Together
(Forever and ever... Let's make this last forever...)

More Pics
(Erm... Yeah...)

Mr Spunky
(Umm... *shrug* I was bored.)

Pic Gallery
(Pics of goth and fantasy.)

List Of Things That Annoy Me
(You might find your name here.)

(These are pretty good.)

A Letter To Mike
(I'll never forget you...)

(I LOVE these.)

Pictionary *fun*
(Yay.. go us...)

My Speech
(A school assignment.)

E-mail Me
(Please don't, I can't stand e-mails.)

Okay, I'm done. You can leave now...