Goth in Poland

Hey, did you think it's easy beeing a 'goth' in Poland ? Forget it, at least if you also try to have a life including 'normal' people. For some reason when someone is dressed in black, wears a pentagram sign and looks a bit different, 80% of the polish people are convinced you are a 'satanist'.


If there are ANY polish people reading my page : Please do NOT believe you're priests are to teach you. Ok, there ARE gothic satanists, just as there are quite 'common' looking people who are satanists, but most of them are NOT. And even those I know who are (as for example 'Suka'), they define satanism as a complete other religion and way of life as your priests want you to believe.

I deny the excistence of any 'higher' creature as a god or a devil, so I also deny that something as 'satanism' (as your priests define it) could exist.

But wat is (a) goth ? It's difficult to describe, I even do not know if I should describe myself als 'goth'... OK, I do have some obsession with black (as does RC-priests :-P), I like cloths most people dislike and the way I use my make-up makes people notice me. The music I like might differ a bit from your musical taste and my sexual ethics are different from yours maybe (although I guess with regards to the last, many people 'share' my ethics, but are ashamed to say so.... hypocrites), but primary I'm a human beeing, just like you. But I refuse to commit myself to a way of dressing and a way of speaking making me part of the same grey crowd you live in.

For a long time I used the nick 'Evillynn' or 'Evillynn_pl' (you'll still find it in my yahoo email address), but I stopped using it. The most important reason is that I'm not 'evil'.. I am me and I live the way I want, you may call the way I live evil, but please remember that the christians, counting themselves to the 'good' ones, were responsible for the circumstances leading to the mass destruction of 6.000.000 jews. If 'evil' means however that I'm not 'good' enough to (let) people kill for any ideal, please call me evil.

I love the X-Files serials... Altough I'm not a real 'believer' in the supernatural, I like the serials a lot.