Edyta Gorniak

Ok, Edyta Gorniak is not gothic at all and it's not 'kewl' for a goth to even like her... but even as a goth I'm no 'typical' girl, so please bear with me.

If you are not polish, you probably do not know who Edyta is. Edyta Gorniak is a polish singer with a very good, dynamic voice. Since I sing myself a bit, I can appreciate a good voice, even if it's not your style of music.

Some people say I look like her, I do not think it's true at all, she is far more beautifull then I am... although I must admit there are some similarities in our appearance (but no more then that)

But I do not only like her for her voice. Her first CD Dotyk (Touch) (according to me still her best) have very beautifull texts in which she 'fights' for women to be accepted as they are (and not by a way society, males or church wants to see them). And apart of all those good things she's also a very beautifull and nice person.