(C) Lord Caligula 1998


I'm bisexual... Meaning I like both males and females. For my boyfriend Tomek it is a bit a problem, he does not like his girlfriend to be 'different', but he has to live with it (or has to live without me), since I'm not planning to change myself to 'fit in' the standards (polish) society wants to force upon me.

Not bothered by religious or cultural objections against bisexuality, it was not a big 'coming out' for me... when I realised I was sexually attracted to both sexes, It was not difficult to get used to. Although I have bisexual feelings from my early teens, it was in the year of 2000 before I really had my first sexual contact with 'Suka', which I learned to know thanks to my good friend 'Caligula'.

I'm also polyamorous... another thing which is hard for Tomek to get used to. For me sex is something to beautifull to share it with only one person. This does not mean I jump into bed with everyone who is willing (on the contrairy, I'm very picky), but with very good and intimate friends sexual contact also is a possibility.

(The picture is copyrighted by (c) Lord Caligula 1998