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Fallen Eve from Blood and Gasoline has her interview she did with Jyrki 69 and I (Christina Death 1334 of Chicago) are credited and given a dedication once again... I am beyond words. Go read the rest of the interview it rules.. For now heres the dedication. Christina Death 1334 of Chicago is me!!! I am beyond honoured!!! For I have made history again!!!

Are Gothic Girl, Little Miss Spookiness and Christina Death based on real people, or just a generalized view of Gothic people?

"I think they are a little bit of different ages, Little Miss Spookiness cold be like fifteen or something, and Gothic Girl a little bit older, maybe like eighteen or something. And Christina Death is at least my age or a little older. That is one of the songs the American audience really likes, and its really thrilling to play it here in California, as it mentions the Hollywood Book of the Dead, and I was thinking of the California Goth Scene in this song. Actually, In Chicago I met a Christina Death lady, and she gave me pictures of her and Rozz Williams and Peter Murphy. It was really cool." --- Jyrki 69

The Mama Trash gets credited as well, it's just uber as hell!!!

click this photo for the full article in SPIN.

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All Rights Reserved, Christina Death 1334
March 12, 2006, House of Blues in Chicago, Illinois

H.I.M. photos taken by Christina Death 1334,all rights reserved, taken at the Congress Theatre on May 17th, 2006

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me here with Cinema Strange

The person photographed with me to the right is the editor of Spin Magazine, and he was doing the coverage for Gothicfest 2005 himself.
     Click on the picture and caption to see the article in Spin Magazine as it is hosted on the Official Site for Gothicfest. Go over there to read the full write up he did as well as see some of the other photos he took of the event on September 17th, 2005, at the Odeum Civic Center in Villa Park, Illinois.

Click here for the interview,  THANX Daniel.

Think Me Wicked (Exile) was dedicated to me. Graphic is created by Gwen.

(Welcome to my bat cave) I am a respected independant promoter (National and International) and field representive for Metropolis Records along with being media serviced from Underground, Inc, Wax Trax II, Failure To Communicate, and Projekt Records in Chicago, Illinois, for deathrock/goth/electro/industrial all age shows-- for more information visit the yahoogroup, Undead Fantasy -- I help run a company called Belmont Undead Productions and Pitchfork Fantasy Productions that puts on these events catering to the (all ages) masses- our staple nite an on/off event,"The Dark Gathering".
    An event for the community with live acts, dj's, cd giveways, food and fun and most importantly, it's free and now the Naughty Spot 6, every third Saturday of the month.
    My plethora of diverse genres ---All deathrock/trad goth/moderate electro(German mainly)/indeadstrial)(old wax trax)/punk/early 80's new wave and old baroque classical (Bach) (Mozart) (Chopin) (Dark Death Funeral 1334~ Marches) and oriental opera --(Madame Butterfly)and anything performance dealing with sepuku -- the art of ritual suicide. Love Gregorian Chant and Latin mass as well. Egl/Ega/Visual Kei/J-rock/loves all death and elegance...high honour in sacrilege and fashion where we rule and reign...all things dead and exquisite corpses...All things German, Finnish and English! "Hail to all things from Europe for they are way ahead of us!"
    Photography ---I was the official photographer for the for the 1998 Ressurection Bauhaus reunion shows. Biggest claim to fame was interviewing world renown horror writer, Clive Barker and also, now wife of Marilyn Manson, fetish model Dita Von Teese.

Have been featured on all media types for being in the scene.. channel 5,7,9,news for various Halloween costume store media and clubs, various dvd's documentries about Gothic Subculture and featuring my all ages Goth/ Deathrock/ Electro/ Indeadstrial "The Dark Gathering" nite I host, my nite was featured in The Chicago Reader 2004 March edition, was graced on the cover of Chicago New City Newspaper 1993 Halloween Fashion Edition and also was the centerfold and feature for this publication,The Chicago Wicker Park Voice 2001 New Years Eve Edition, Specrre Magazine Issue #6, for (Convergence 1 fashions), Outburn Magazine Issue #6- (Death in June interview)- Outburn Magazine Issue #7 (Rozz Williams interview)- Outburn Magazine Issue#8 (Clive Barker interview),Chicago MK Ultra Magazine Summer/Autumn Issue (reviewer for Delinquent Records and other cd's from various record labels,Permission Magazine Issue #4 (Daniel Ash interview),The Web Issue #7 -(Faith and the Muse interview), Asphyria Issue #4 -(Rozz Williams interview), The Star Newpaper, Halloween 1996 Edition-costume shop fashions,The Daily Herald Newspaper, Halloween 1997 Edition- Club Neo- Chicago, Gothic Chicago website(Various interiews and photos in their archives and other various online dark music genre web music sites).

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This photograph has a story behind it as many of the photos on my website does, but if you want the full details about how it came to existence feel more than free to send me an email. This was one of the few pictures I own of Peter Murphy. I met him over a period of years, and recently I was photographed with the founder of Bauhaus, Daniel Ash, which can be seen at the right of the page. Many of the photos on this site will have stories on them and I will go into detail about the stories at a later time. If you want to check out one of their videos, they got a cover of David Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust," and this would be their video for it.
       As my room mate is devoted to writing old school horror, science fiction, and speed/thrash metal, I am devoted to this particular band. The photo with Daniel Ash was taken very recently in Tinley Park, Illinois. A friend of mine did the artwork that is displayed proudly on the wall above my wide collection of Horror movies. If you come to the apartment for a party that I will sometimes host or visit, this will be the first thing you'd see if you sit on the wood and leather couch. This was something Nick got notice of when he went to lay down during the first ever party I had here. Some of the other artwork made an appearence in his short story, The Temp and that story can be read in the fourth issue of his magazine<.

I am featured on the cover of Nickolaus Pacione's quarterly Science Fiction and Horror magazine. It can be purchased on and in the hardcover format on my storefront. It features one of Pacione's science fiction stories. The story in this one by him is titled Lake Fossil II. If you want to talk to him personally visit him on his message board. The magazine features works by Barbara Marjanovic and William Malmborg, and Marjanovic will be part of NSP Books alongside with Nickolaus Pacione in September of 2006 with his sequel to House of Spiders. They co-wrote this one. The magazine as Nick puts it is a showcase of writers who write traditional horror and modern day set science fiction. I am the cover model on the magazine. My first literary magazine appearance, and this was out just after going to Gothicfest 2005.

Christina Death 1334, (moi) lives by her mottos and her mottos are the following and are the key to her success and words to live by...

      "Never proclaim yourself to be something until you know the history behind it."

           "We owe it to the Egyptians for our makeup concepts for without them we would not have any", "You say Black, I say white."

       "There are no tickets to my funeral, the funeral is sold out."

     "What side of this Morality Plae are you on?"

    "I will Interview till the Sky Goes Out"

     "Sealed Onto Thermal Mercy"

There will be more sections coming soon to the website, keep coming by for further updates. I will be including a number of the interviews I conducted on this website when I start collecting them together. Also be looking on the myspace blog on the site as it is in current development.


I hosted this event in Elgin, Illinois, on September 3, 2006. Grigori 3 headlined this show. See the review of their new album on Chain D.L.K.. If you want to see details on the next event I am doing giveaways for, click behind the newest events graphic. The flyers for this upcoming event harbor a page by themselves.

HEROES AND ODES--Rozz Williams 1334 all projekts- Rozz only! For he was the master surrealist of true "art" and coined the Name "Deathrock". Eva O my divine influence in style and decadence. Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese for excellent unique high fashion and sacrilege... Mana-Sama for the best high fashion ever! Vision from Tragic Black...for bringing Deathrock anything to do with Mana-Sama/Moi Dix Mois and Malice Mizer...

SPECIAL THANX TO MUSICIANS THAT HAVE LEFT THEIR MARK ETERNALLY--- goes out to Peter Murphy for starting the "Goth movement" in 1979 and coining the word "Gothic" giving it more defination! Rozz Williams of Christian Death and Dinah Cancer(45 Grave)and all projekts for giving birth to the "deathrock movement" and coining that word "deathrock"as well. Ian Curtis of Joy Division and David Vanian of The Damned for giving depression a name and it's own fashion! Siouxsie Sioux (The truest ice gothic queen) and Robert Smith(tragically beautiful plaything) for being way ahead of their time! Forerunning with punk greats "The Bromely Contingent" "Sex Pistols" regime that made the largest history we will never forget! Alice Cooper and David Bowie for giving birth to the "Shock Rock Glam and Androgeny movement" "ALL THINGS GERMAN AND ENGLISH" AND ALL THINGS FROM EUROPE FOR THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WAY AHEAD OF US!

Mike Score from A Flock of Seagulls for giving me wings and always making time for me and caring deeply for me!

HEROES---Rozz Williams and Gitane Demone one of my greatest friends and inspirations who always follows in my wake..."From the heart, always and forever"...1334...
       Jyrki 69 from the 69 EYES~ Your Christina Death 1334 of Chicago lives and breates your defination and decription for it is all I know these dayz~
       Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese for excellent unique high fashion ... Peter Murphy, Daniel Ash, David Bowie, Gary Numan, Steve Strange,Mike Score, Brian Ferry, Siouxsie Sioux..Robert Smith. Morissey, . Mana..DIX!!!
       An ode to VELMONTURNA(Indiana) FOR COINING HIS NAME! FOR BEING CYNICAL TOWARDS THE WORLD AND HIS BEAUTY THROUGH ALL OF IT, GREG from X BAND- Tenebrion(Chicago)-, for always being there,XID dRAKEMORE- WEBMASTER, PERSONAL BODYGUARD,GROOTMASTER AND WITHOUT HIM NONE OF THIS ELITE PROMOTION WOULD BE POSSIBLE! - "aLL hAIL THE GROOT!", Mel Draper(Nottinham England) from teacher in the ways of esoteric magick and believer of energy from the supernatural.
       "Scott Amstutz for delivering me into the world of all music facets without him I would not exist!!!"...Scott Amstutz(Chicago) and Larry Miller (La), my music mentors,knowing them since 7th grade and making me who I am today!
       Shumit Basu(India)(New York)for all things elitist and dead and for designing me and select others the most uber Goth/Fetish clothes-Underground Aristocrasy,"Vision from Tragic Black(Salt Lake City)-, for having the most Deathrock band and being the closest thing next to Rozz(Ressurected) Scott Amstutz(Chicago) and Larry Miller (La), my music mentors,knowing them since 7th grade and making me who I am today! and now...(YZ)(Finland)(San Fran) and now (Canada)!---(YZ) OF EXV AND DEATH IN ANIMATION- and Esoteric Souls...(a specific select partner in crime and solution who has always been there for me and ends my despair and (VICE VERSA :) WHO IS NOT JUST AN INTERNET TAG BUT REAL TO ME SINCE I MET HIM IN THE FLESH AND WALKED THE REALITY REALM WITH HIM VERSES THE VIRTUAL WORLD~ ALL THANX GOES TO XID FOR THIS OF EXV FOR BEING TALENTED, EXQUISITE AND HAVING SO MUCH BELIEVE IN WHAT I DO AND VICE VERSA. SHEDDING LIGHT TO WHAT A TRUE DARK ROMANTIC SHOULD BE AND REDEFINING SCANDANAVIAN GOTH FROM ITS DARK RECESSES AND REACHING OUT TO OTHERS THAT HAVE NOT YET EXPERIENCED THAT REALM.

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