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Story time
Sunday, 27 November 2005
Chapter 2
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
"Brian have you seen Nicole? I haven't seen her in a while." Becky was sitting on the couch watching late night music videos and not seeing her best friend for a while was starting to worry her. "Well, I broke up with her today. She got mad grabbed her Crown Royal and ran out the door. I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just drunk and she needs time to cool down anyway. If she isn't back by morning then we'll go out looking for her." Brian assured Becky. Becky still had that feeling that something wasn't right, but everyone was always talking about how paranoid she was and she wasn't going to let something little get the best of her.
"What the fuck is up with this shit?!?" That was the ear peircing sound of Ashley. "Who the fuck drank all of my fucking Mountain Dew!?" Becky couldn't help but burst out laughing. "You have a fit over your Mountain Dew being gone! If you leave a bottle of pop out in this house then it's garanteed to be gone within the hour." Becky never really "got along" with Ashley that much. Ashley always stuck out as the Bitch of the group to Becky. "What! You drank it all didn't you, you little fucking scank!" Ashley's voice rose through the entire house. Ron walked into the living room where everyone was fighting about the "case of the missing Dew". "Ashely, now you know that You shouldn't be calling people scanks. I mean, look what your wearing for God's sake!" Ron was right to. Ashley was wearing a tube top, a mini skirt, and fishnet. "Looks to me like you've been out working on the streets if you know what I mean."
Julie came out of the bathroom at this time. She was wearing a towel and was dripping wet, indicating that she had just gotten out of the shower. "What's so funny?" Julie asked. Her curiosity always got the best of her. Becky started to answer her question.
"Oh we're just talking about what a whor---"
"--We weren't talking about anything!" Ashley butted in "Stop being such a nosey little bitch!"
"God damn Ashley! Me, the bitch? You have to be kidding!" Ashley and Julie never really got a long too well. This didn't bother Julie at all though, she didn't want to get to know Ashley any better. She's heard some pretty horrible gossip about that girl. "Hey, where's Nicole and Tyler at?" Julie really did ask a lot of questions. Becky answered her. "Nicole got mad and left and Tyler is at the store getting more pop. We were hoping he'de get back before Ashley noticed her Mountain Dew was gone. He should be back any minute now. As for Nicole, we're just hoping that she will be back by morining. If not, then we are all going to go look for her." "I'm not gonna' look for that stupid bitch! Fuck her!" Ashley always had to have the last say on the things. She was what you would call the bitch of the group. No one really got along with her. Infact, they weren't even really sure why they let her move in. But, she was there and there wasn't that much that they could do now.
It had already been an hour and no sine of Tyler. The store was only about 10 minutes away so there was no reason why he should be taking so long. Everyone was starting to get worried. Well everyone except Ashley, she just doesn't give a damn. "Maybe he's having some car trouble. I'm sure he will be fine. Here just use the home phone and call his cell." Becky noted. Julie picked up the phone and dialed his number. "There was no ring, it just went straight to his voicemail." Julie told everyone. "Doesn't that mean that the phone is off, or dead?" Ron asked. Becky answered for them. "Yah, it does."

Posted by goth/emopoetry at 3:34 AM CST
Updated: Monday, 28 November 2005 4:26 PM CST
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Thursday, 24 November 2005
Chapter One
"Nicole, I'm sorry. It's just that I really don't think things are working out," Brian said. "What? What are you doing! You aren't breaking up with me are you?" Nicole was frantic. She left her Fionce for this man and now he was leaving her! "I'm sorry Nicole, please don't make this harder then it already is." Brian pleaded to his now ex girlfriend. Nicole was furiouse! She couldn't beleive he was doing this to her, especially since she was under the influence. But, Brian wasn't going to ruin this night for her. She had a bag of Crown Royal and she wasn't going to let that go to waste. Nicole stormed out the door. "I don't need you anyways!" She scrame as she slammed the door to the house she shared with six other people.
Nicole was furiouse but she was more mournful to the death of her relationship then anything. Nicole thought that maybe if she left like that then Brian would get worried and ask for her back! But, this idea was probably a wrong one. She had been walking for well over an hour. She was taking her time with her walking and had a few drinking breaks. She probably only got about 4 or 5 miles away from the house when she found a hay stack. This would be a great resting spot. She took off her jacket and placed it gently on the hay. She sat down on her jacket-covered hay stack. The tears just started to fall. They wouldn't stop. So much had happened in just a little amount of time.
All of a sudden she heard the cracking of a stick. The thought of being all alone in the middle of no-where struck her like a brick. Nicole stood up and slowly starting walking backwards. What Nicole didn't know was that she was being watched, and it hadn't started just then, she had been watched for over a month now. Nicole was about to turn around and head back to the house when there was a hand over her mouth and a knife to her throught. "Hello Nicole, long time no see. How long has it been now? About a month." Nicole didn't even need to see who the stranger behind her was, she already knew. The man behind her was her ex-fiance.

Posted by goth/emopoetry at 10:32 PM CST
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Please enjoy!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Christmas Vacation
Hello and welcome to my blog! In this blog I will be writing! I hope to someday have a book published but until then I will just put it on my new website. Please do enjoy!

Posted by goth/emopoetry at 10:04 PM CST
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