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DrkVamp's Personal Horoscope

Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Sun in Scorpio:
Quiet, deep, emotionally complex and intensely private, you are not a person who is easy to get to know and understand. You are extremely sensitive but disinclined to show it, and you allow only a special few into your inner world. Like a wary animal, you are cautious and mistrustful of those you do not know until you "sniff them out". You are very, very instinctive and intuitive. You usually have a strong, immediate gut reaction to people, even though you may be unable to clearly articulate why you feel as you do. Your feelings and perceptions go deeper than words.

You also have a powerful need for deep emotional involvement and you form very intense love bonds and attachments. You are possessive and often jealous of anyone or anything that you perceive as a threat to your bond with someone you love. When you commit yourself to someone or something, you are wholeheartedly devoted and expect complete loyalty in return. You merge with or "marry" the person you love at a very deep level and therefore separations are extremely painful for you, and often stormy and nasty. When you have been wounded, you are not inclined to turn the other cheek and will retaliate if at all possible. Certainly you will never forget the injury and often you harbor grievances and resentments for a long, long time. Forgiveness doesn't come easily to you.

Whatever you do, you do with passion and fervor, and you often go to extremes. You are either hot or cold, never lukewarm about anything. You can also be very narrow: either you are 100% involved in something or else it doesn't exist for you at all. Rarely are you emotionally detached and objective. You definitely have a fanatical streak. You are also immensely strong-willed and your tenacity in pursuing your objectives often borders on being obsessive. Fierce pride, courage, and emotional strength are yours in abundance.

You love mysteries and are deeply attracted to the hidden, dark, secret side of life. You never take things at face value and are always probing beneath the surface of people and situations to discover what is REALLY going on. You tend to be more of a cynic than an idealist.

Sun Conjunct Uranus:
Innovative, original, unorthodox, and unconventional, you identify with the role of rebel, reformer, or iconoclast. You insist upon a great deal of personal freedom and do not easily adapt yourself to others' needs and wishes. You need a lifestyle that allows you to be spontaneous. Often you feel that you are somehow different from other people and outside the mainstream of society.

Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities
Mercury in Sagittarius:
You possess vision and foresight, and your mind is often occupied with big ideas, plans, and goals for the future. You are interested in what is possible and what is on the horizon, rather than what has already been done. The study of philosophy, religion, politics, or education is of interest to you, and you are more concerned with theories and concepts than with specific applications. You are not inclined to focus on any one practical, concrete area; you find it irksome to deal with details and particulars. You have a gambling instinct and enjoy speculative enterprises and new ventures. Business, advertising, and promotion would be good areas for you also.

Mercury Square Saturn:
You have an aptitude for solving difficult mental problems due to your careful, methodical approach, attention to detail, and tenacity in following a matter through to its conclusion. You have good powers of concentration and enjoy studying and thinking in solitude. You can get wrapped up entirely in your own thoughts and completely engrossed in some small detail. You are slow and cautious, but extremely thorough in your work. Conservative and something of a skeptic, you may be narrow-minded or closed to any idea which has no concrete proof or scientific verification. You prefer dealing with facts rather than abstract speculation. You may also be distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind. You are well-suited to work in research or any field that requires careful study and thought.

Mercury aspects Saturn and Neptune
Although your thinking is precise and logical, as described above, at times you can be quite the opposite. Periods of absentmindedness, building castles in the air, or ruminating over mystical, abstract, or imponderable subjects are also likely, as discussed below.

Mercury Conjunct Neptune:
Your mind does not function in a linear, logical manner and you are often unable to express your thoughts in simple, everyday language. Symbols, images, art, or music better express your ideas. Flights of imagination and fantasy carry you into strange and beautiful worlds, and you could develop the ability to transcribe some of your perceptions to share with others, for example, by writing fantasy, fiction, lyrics, or poetry. You are sensitive to nuances and possess intuitive or psychic gifts, but you may become confused between imagination and true perception. You have a strong mystical and idealistic bent, and have difficulty concentrating your attention on practical or mundane activities. You are strongly attracted to metaphysical and spiritual topics.

Mercury Sextile Pluto:
Your mind is characterized by a penetrating depth and thoroughness. You ferret out the facts, and especially enjoy a problem if there is an element of mystery, darkness, or the forbidden. Generally, you don't shy away from the truth, no matter how unpleasant.

Uranus Conjunct Sun/Venus
You are mentally alive and tend to think and speak hastily. At times you may start out with one idea but then wind up with something completely different. You have a natural talent for mathematics, science, technology and certain branches of the occult.

Uranus Conjunct Mercury/Pluto
You have great ability to persuade others to your point of view and you go about pursuing your goals in a fanatical way. You should guard against a nervous breakdown due to over-taxing your strength. Highly responsible, you tend to take on too many duties.

Uranus Conjunct Neptune/Pluto
You seem to be quite adventurous and have a strong liking for things that are unusual. You may be interested in mystical and occult subjects in order to increase your understanding of the universe and of yourself.

Section 3: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Venus in Scorpio:
In love, you desire a deep, intense, passionate union with your beloved and form very strong emotional bonds and attachments. You "marry" the person you love at a very deep emotional level, and are often extremely possessive and jealous of any threat to that union. You can be very demanding with your love partner. You tend to be somewhat suspicious of even platonic, friendly relationships your partner has. If you are ever betrayed, you are capable of hating with as much force and intensity as you once loved. You are attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them.

Venus Square Jupiter:
You share freely whatever you have, and your friends know they can always count on your generosity and support, both emotional and material. Your good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others' foibles goes a long way in maintaining harmony in your relationships. You also have a lazy streak and sometimes avoid confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it seems like too much trouble and too petty. You like to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. You cannot tolerate too much restriction by your love partner, and encourage your partner's freedom as well.

Venus aspects Jupiter and Saturn:
Your pleasure-loving nature and your emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing your affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times you are likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times you are far more contained as described here. Because you are upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive you are to being left out or unappreciated.

Venus Sextile Saturn:
In love and romance, it's important for you to be able to deeply respect your partner. You look beyond the superficial qualities to see their inner worth (or lack thereof), before you let yourself really fall for someone. In fact, too much glamour or flashiness is something of a turn-off to you. You are capable of a mature, lasting loving relationship and seek a mate who is deep, loyal, and committed. You may be drawn to someone older than yourself.

Venus aspects Saturn and Uranus:
When it comes to love, you are apt to feel pulled in several directions at once. In addition to your desire for depth and for security in your relationships, you have an impulsive side and need a lot of variety and excitement, as discussed in the following paragraphs. These urges do not have to conflict, but they certainly can, especially if you act on your spontaneous impulses without much consideration for their long-term effects on your personal life.

Venus Conjunct Uranus:
You are excitable, spontaneous, and easily aroused emotionally and sexually. You fall in love very quickly and have little self-restraint or concern for propriety when your feelings have been stirred. However, it may be difficult for you to sustain a relationship after the first rush of excitement wanes, especially if your partner is basically a conservative person who does not like to change or experiment. Nontraditional relationships appeal to you, and personal freedom is highly important to you.

Section 4: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals
Mars in Sagittarius:
You are aspiring, enterprising, and forever following some bright and distant star, planning some new venture or investigating new potentials. You are definitely "upwardly mobile" in either a material or spiritual sense (or both). You aim high and are not content simply with a quiet, secure existence. You like to stretch your limits, to see how far you can go, and to take risks. You are a positive thinker, expect success for yourself, and are philosophical about failures. You are flexible and bounce back from disappointment rather quickly, usually with another hopeful new idea you want to try. Your enthusiasm and confidence are contagious and enable you to enlist the aid and support you need for your projects. However, you sometimes promise more than you can actually achieve, because you are overly optimistic or pay insufficient attention to the practicalities involved.

You also tend to get distracted and to have too many things going at once. Although it is very difficult for you, there are times when you simply must develop commitment, perseverance, and persistence in order to make your dreams and goals a concrete reality. Too often you fall short of what you could attain because you are unwilling to persist through the difficult or less exciting times.

You also enjoy competition and usually do not take it too seriously. Sports and entrepreneurial endeavors are good ways to channel your energy.

Mars Trine Jupiter:
Your self-confidence and vitality are strong and you believe you can do just about anything you want to. You have an enterprising spirit, a good sense of timing, and the ability to sense what will succeed and what won't. You usually make fortunate decisions in work or business activities. You enjoy healthy competition and you have a rather playful, good-humored attitude toward it. You mostly compete with yourself to see how far you can go or how much you can accomplish. You like to keep stretching your limits.

Mars aspects Jupiter and Saturn:<
Although enterprising and forward-looking, you are also capable of much self-discipline, patience, and effort. You may swing from confidence and trust in the future to pessimism and doubt, when it comes to achieving your aims in life.

Mars Square Saturn:
You work hard and patiently to achieve your objectives, persevering and continuing on in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Concentrating on a single, clearly defined goal, you are able to accomplish much, but you often feel that the way is long and arduous, and that you must struggle on alone, that it's all on your shoulders.

You are capable of great self-control and self-denial and can be a hard task master, expecting far too much of yourself. You also tend to hold yourself back, to doubt your own power and ability. You feel that you meet with great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative. Anger and frustration can be big problems for you, especially when you try to work with other people or depend too much on others for support. You work best in solitude.

Mars aspects Jupiter and Neptune
Your competitive drive and big ambitions (commented upon earlier) are fueled upon by either strong spiritual idealism, or a rather inflated, grandiose idea of what you can actually accomplish. Your energy level is apt to fluctuate from being very strong, as noted earlier, to rather low, as mentioned in the following paragraphs.

Mars Conjunct Neptune:
You have a very active and fertile imagination and your ambitions are never strictly mundane, practical, and concrete. You have a strong desire to act out your fantasies, dreams, visions, and ideals. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you. Ordinary life seems drab and uninteresting to you, and you need to have some big dream or something larger than your own narrow personal interests to live for. Sometimes you may be confused about exactly how and where to direct your energy and often drift along rather than making clear decisions about what you want. You have a passive side and at times lack the will power, physical energy, strength, and the fighting spirit to achieve your aims.

Pluto Conjunct Sun/Saturn
You tend to have an exceptional strong vitality and capacity for work. You know what counts and how to recognize opportunities for your advancement. You are likely to develop and realize big projects and have a touch of luck and great power to succeed.

Pluto Conjunct Venus/N. Node
You like to be the center of attraction and know how to put on a good show. You have a tendency to want to force admiration and love and may consider affection as some kind of instrument for power.

Section 5: Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy
Jupiter in Leo:
You cannot tolerate smallness or pettiness in any form, and you have a tendency to exaggerate. Also, you have a wonderful sense of drama! You must live boldly and heroically. Otherwise you feel you are simply existing and wasting your talents.

The desire for personal recognition - or even Fame - and a need to do something you feel really proud of, motivate you strongly. You have an unusual capacity for fun and playfulness also.

Section 6: Areas That Challenge You Or Are Difficult For You
Saturn in Virgo:
You have a penchant for order and precision, and an almost compulsive attention to detail. You are often hypercritical and can be such a demanding perfectionist that you discourage yourself or others from even attempting something that won't be done exactly the way you know it should be done.

You frequently over analyze or pick things apart mentally. You may be something of a hypochondriac also. You must learn that you do not have to rationally understand everything in order for it to be valid, and also to relax your unnecessarily high or strict standards.

Saturn Square Neptune:
You strive and struggle a great deal with your ideals or spiritual aspirations. You may go through periods of self-denial, asceticism, and serious study of religious philosophy and spiritual practices, or you may lose heart and become cynical about religious ideals, but never quite divorce yourself completely from your idealistic concerns.

Saturn Conjunct Jupiter/Pluto
At times circumstances seem to be pushing against you, and you may have to withstand severe challenges. You probably will have to work harder than others in order to succeed, turning you hard and cold hearted in your decisions because of it.

N. Node Conjunct Venus/Jupiter
Not at all selfish, you have the ability to share the joy you feel with other people. You seem to have a gift for getting more reserved people to open up, teaching them how to give and receive love and affection.

Section 7: Generational Influences: Your Age Group
In this chapter we will discuss characteristics and traits of your generation. Of course, you may not share all of the characteristics of your generation, but you are greatly affected by the tone that is set by your generation.

The first topic is "The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group". In this section we will describe a deeply felt urge, even compulsion, of your age group. This deeply felt drive comes to the surface with great force and power, and consequently leaves in its wake considerable upheaval and change. The second topic is "The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group", that describes the dreams, fantasies, and spiritual aspirations of your age group. The third and last topic is "What is New and Different in Your Age Group", which describes areas in which your age group tends to be innovative, inventive, unusual, and also where it may be unstable and unreliable.

The characteristics described below may affect a group of people for anywhere from a few years to about 30 years. There are one or more different astrological factors described in each of the three sections below.

The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group
Pluto in Libra:
You are part of a 12 year group of people who are deeply interested in personal relationships. Your age group has a deeply-rooted yearning to see people relating and communicating with each other effectively and harmoniously. There is little egotism and a willingness to hear the other person's side of the story and a readiness to compromise and arbitrate different points of view. In fact, the need for harmonious, peaceful relationships is so strong that there is a tendency to overlook real differences and to focus only on the similarities in an attempt to bring different parties into harmony with each other.

Interest in psychology and sociology is high in your age group. There is a tremendous heightening of awareness of social skills. Your age group will experiment with different marriage styles, family relationships, and even business relationships in an attempt to bring fair treatment and effective communication between people. Interest and appreciation for other cultures is also strong, and your age group will work hard to preserve and support the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups.

Your strong yearning for equitable and harmonious relationships is also reflected in major advancements in trade agreements, arms control, and international cooperation that are designed and implemented by your generation. These agreements and policies foster a much safer and more cooperative environment for all, although there is also a tendency for greedy individuals to take advantage of the conciliatory atmosphere and twist situations to their own ends.

In short, you are part of a generation of individuals who are deeply interested in other people; you are a humanistic and humanitarian group. You will struggle and experiment with personal relationships, and forge new models for how people can relate as friends, family members, and members of nations as well.

The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group
Neptune in Sagittarius:
You are part of a 14 year group of people that are extremely idealistic and farsighted in their dreams. Your age group is very liberal and expansive in outlook, and consequently churches become much more flexible and more eclectic in their approach during your life time. Religions that do not adapt to the broad-minded attitude of your age group simply are unable to attract very much interest and involvement from you.

A great deal of metaphysical musing and speculation is evident in your age group, and there is a very strong interest in all manner of psychic phenomena, UFO's, prophecy, etc. This interest will open many new doors and insights, but will also often lead to a great deal of fantasizing and speculation that is taken more seriously than it should be.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:
The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

What is New and Different in Your Age Group
Uranus in Scorpio:
You are part of a 7 year group of people who break up all manner of taboos regarding death, sex, and any other personal, private, or difficult topics. Your age group is less modest about sex than other age groups and promiscuity is not uncommon. You love emotional intensity, and there are many extremists and fanatics in your age group.
