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~*~Mythology Class~*~


It is with great honor that I welcome Avada-Kedavra's students to the wide and wonderful world of Mythology Class. I am your new professor, dreamersblood. In this class we will primarily be learning about Mythological Creatures and the studies behind them. Each week you will find a new lesson in the links below, and homework will be on the lesson pages. Homework must be submitted by the due date! If you are unable to complete homework on time, you MUST neomail me as soon as possible. The best homework submission each week will win your house 25 points or more depending upon the subject matter and extent of the assignment. If at any time you have any questions about the material being covered in class please feel free to contact me and I will be glad to answer your questions! Now, onward with our studies!

~*~Classroom Rules:~*~

#1- Be Courteous To Every Student
#2- Please Complete All Homework and Send It In To dreamersblood.
#3- If You Will Be Absent For A Any Length Of Time, Please Notify Me, dreamersblood.
#4- If There Is A Subject I Havn't Covered and You Would Like Me To Research, Please Let Me Know.
#5- No, I Repeat, NO Foul or Offensive Launguage Will Be Tolerated.
#6- Failure To Complete 3 Homework Assignments In A Semester Will Lead To Your Removal From The Class.
#7- Homework Will Be Graded In The Muggle Method Using A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, and F. Homework Will Be Graded Upon Merit, and The Students Overall Grasp Of The Subject Matter. Please Remember To Have Fun Doing Your Mythology Homework. It Is Truly An Interesting Subject!!!!!!!

Let The Knowledge Begin!!!!!!!

"All Hallow's Eve"

Twas the night of all hallows eve and all through the haunted house, Not a creature was yet stirring, not even the three headed mouse; All the pumpkins were lit by the chimney with care, In hopes all who saw them would get a good scare; The werewolves were nestled all snug in their dens, With visions of plump chickens locked up in their pens; The mummies in their bandages and the vampires turned to bats, Had just settled down in the morgue for their naps; Then out in the graveyard there arose a great shatter, The ghouls starting shrieking in a nightmarish chatter; Outside the window a fireball flashed, For the headless horseman had once again slashed; The blue moon lit eerily against the red flow, Giving off the illusion of an unnatural glow.

When what a ghastly sight should appear, But the grim reaper himself with a thick metal spear; With a nod of his head he watched the clock tower tick, And then vanished as if by magic’s ultimate trick; In his place a witches covenant came, Each chanting softly another point’s name; “Earth, wind, water, spirit, fire, We call upon thee to uplift and inspire; From the tips of the heavens to the bottom of the seas, We listen to you through the message on the breeze;” Their cauldron sparked and shot smoke to the sky, As they mounted their broomsticks and waited to fly; So up in the air these mysterious witches flew, As they chanted and sang, laughed and cried “BOO!”

And then in the silence came a great poof, As Hyde cackled loudly to unspoken truth; For outside in waiting the skeletons were bound, No longer zombies left stumbling around; The sneaky black cats prowled on padded foot, And sneezed rather loudly from the fire pits soot; With branches and stones piled as high as their hats, The gnomes scrambled quickly to avoid the fat rats; Their claws sharp as razors and their cries hauntingly scary, The ravens made all the creepy spiders and snakes wary.

Elves hunted the mazes with arrow and bow, None too aware of their only true foe; Standing high as the clouds with massive shoed feet, Frankenstein’s Monster was no easy enemy to beat; Green as the slime in the woods famished belly, He’d squish his opponents as if they were jelly; Though Frankenstein’s Monster was not prey to an elf, His only real danger was indeed to himself; Being so enormous did not mean brains filled his head, And so the great ogres caught and ate him instead.

Upon the black lake a ghostly pirate’s crew was at work, Attempting to start a phantom ship with a push and a jerk; When out of the darkness Ogo Pogo arose, Shooting the ship with water from out of his nose; Then up in the sky Dracula gave a harsh whistle, His power hitting all as quick as a missile; It was then that the tourists all screamed as they ran out of sight, “Happy Halloween to all, and to all a good fright!!!”

Enchant My Notebook
Delve Into My Notebook

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