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I am making a website of scenic pages which I hope you enjoy. I have finished a number of my pages and I plan to add more. Below see the gold box. It will have what type of scenes you may want to see. Click on one and it will take you to the first scenic page of the section you wanted. On each page at the bottom I put a white box so that you can go from one scenic page to an other in the same section. If you want to go to another section you must return to the home page and scroll down to the gold box and click on the section you want to see. In the white box on each scenic page I put a

Click on it to return to the home page.

This web site it will always be

Click below to go to all scenic sections.

Lakes & Rivers 1
Lakes & Rivers 2
Lakes & Rivers 3
Lakes & Rivers 4
Lakes & Rivers 5
Landscapes 1
Landscapes 2
Landscapes 3
Landscapes 4
Landscapes 5
Oceans & Seas 1
Oceans & Seas 2
Oceans & Seas 3
Waterfalls 1
Waterfalls 2
Waterfalls 3
Castles 1
Castles 2
Castles 3
Castles 4
Lighthouses 1
Lighthouses 2
Lighthouss 3.
Parks 1
Parks 2
Parks 3
Parks 4