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The Store

The store is for buying things with your credits. After you buy something, you are allowed to sell it back for the half price you bought it at from the store.
Gravity Training SuitWhen Gravity training you will get 2500% Extra PL boost added to your Power Level boost.1000c
Space Pods
ItemsItem discriptionCost of item
Normal Space PodIs a Normal Space pod that can carry 1 person to a planet in 5 days & takes 4 Engery cells to use:Can't install any part to this model.500c
Sayain Space PodIs a 1 man pod with a rejuvention Chamber Installed & takes 5 days to reach a planet & takes 2 engery cells to run:Can install all plates,weapons: excep Destroyer beams. 900c
Time Capsule Corp PodIs a 10 Man pod which will take 5 days to reach another planet & takes 2 cells to use:Can install all plates, weapons,installation parts. Execpt Planet Destroying lasers. 1000c
Starfury Fighter ShipIs a one man ship and is equiped with 4 quad auto blue laser mounts and takes 5 days to reach a planet.This has a 50x power generator, which will take 5 Days to get to a planet.Can install all plates,weapons,Instalation Parts: excep Destroyer beams,.600c
DestroyerIs able to have any thing installed on it and carrys 10 people in it & it takes 5 days to reach a planet with 5 Energy Cells used.Can install every thing in the store.8,000c
!I Am not Kidding About this Item Here Below!
Death StarUltamate Space Station: Base/ship, equiped with 6 100,000x Generators,2 Storage House's,1 Gravity Training Station,advace Docking Bays,Advace Living Space Adaptor,1 Hyper Drive Core,1 Advace Computer System,1 Planet Destroying Laser Module,100 Missile Adaptors,100 Anti-Aircraft Gun Turrent,100 Missile Defence System,Ultra Heavy Exra Large Titanium plating,600 Starfurys:Equiped with:Medium Light Titanium Plating,2 Rapid Fire High Calibre Anti Space Craft Guns,2 Missile Adaptors,Quad Auto Blue Turret Mounts,Advace Computer System,Advance Thruster Engines,8,000x Cell Generator,600 Piolts,6000 Stormtroopers,Plus An Only 1 Limited Edition Tiefighter for you to fly in & can hold 80,000 people on it. For more details for this e-mail me.1,000,000c
More Acessories
Sayain armor x1Gives you 24% more protection from attacks200c
Sayain armor x2Gives you 48% more protection from attacks400c
Sayain armor x3Gives you 96% more protection from attacks800c
Sayain armor x4Gives you 192% more protection from attacks1600c
Sayain armor x5Gives you 384% more protection from attacks3200
Sayain armor x6Gives you 768% more protection from attacks6400c
Portra ear ringsGive you a 50% chance for fusion200c
Rejuvenation TankLets you heal after fights.500C
Weigthed ClothingWhen constantly training it gives you 100% more pl boost for fighting.1C/bl per pl boost of 1%
Normal armorProtects your body from normal attacks and gives you 12% protection100c
Titanium swordDoes 10 normal damage 200c
Flying Nimbus Gives you a 20% chance to escape a low level attack.300c
Dragon Ball RadarGives you a 50% chance of finding DrangonBalls500c
Dragon Ball Radar/Scouter(Two in one!!) the same thing500c
Senzu BeanGives back 500 Of your PL.300c
Senzu Bean 10 packGives back 500 Of your PL700c
Senzu FarmGives you 6 beans every 4 days real time & last for 6 months.1000c
Seed of MightIt takes 7 days to grow into a tree and lasts for 6 months.50c
Tree of MightGrows 1 fruit every 4 days that gives you 1000 PL . The trees that are sold,last for 6 months 1000c
Fruit of Might Gives you 1000 PL boost 1000c
Senzu Bag Holds up to 24 senzu beans. Counts as 1 item with beans in it.300c
Fruit BagHolds up to 24 fruits and counts as 1 item with fruits in it.300c
Storage Locker Can hold up to 20 items but cannot leave the planet you bought it on. 750
Gravity Training StationAllows you train up to 200xG as well as fight for free!5000c
Storage HouseCan hold up to 1000 itmes in storage.2500c
Portra Ear Ring GeneraterIt recharges the ear rings to max power1500c
Instalation Parts
Docking Bay InstalationInstalls more room for your fighters as well is can be used for an base on a planet8,000c
Gravity Training ModuleAllow you to train in your space pod or Destroyer at 200xG for free.1,000c
Living Space AdaptorAllows you to add more people to your ship or pod by 4.1,000c
Hyper Drive CoreLets you travel at warp speed & get to a planet in 1 days, takes 2 power cells from the generator. 1600c
Small Side Mount LasersThese laser are good for raids and other small attacks, Takes 1 power cell to run: these do 2000 damage to people and ships.If you want them in linked form then they will cost 2x the amount.200c
Medium Side Mount LasersThese pack more of a punch then the small version as they are for average attacks. Takes 1 power cell to run: these do 10000 damage.If you want them in linked form then they will cost 2x the amount.400c
Large Side Mount LasersThese are for heavy attacks:Takes 2 power cell to run. They do 50000 damage. If you want them in linked form then they will cost 2x the amount.800c
Advace Computer SystemWill give you 500% Acceratce aim and controls of your ships & weapons systems. Takes 2 power cell to run.800c
Quad Auto Blue Turret MountsIs a install mounted 4 Twin laser that does 1000 damage to armor. Takes 1 power cell to run400c
Medium Green Laser MountsIs a big heavy installed mounted laser that does 50000 Damage to armor. Takes 5 power cell to run1000c
Duel Machine Gun Laser MountsIs a duel machine gun mounted laser that does 2000 Damage to armor .Takes 2 power cell to run200c
Planet Destroying Laser ModuleIs a combat type weapon that does 500,000,000 Damage to Armor plus Destroy planets too .Takes 100,000 power cell to run8,000,000c
Missile AdaptorsThe Missile Hold holds 5 missiles each And can be refilled for free when Back at your base or ship.5500c
Advance Thruster EnginesDecreasce days to get to a Planet.Takes 5 power cell to run & 2 days to get to a planet.3600c
Rapid Fire High Calibre Anti Space Craft GunsLet you gun down enemy craft when flying .Does 50000 damage .Takes 2 power cell to run1200c
Small Outpost BaseIs a small base that lets you defend it with minimal support .New equipment can be installed. Has 500,000 of Armor. Takes 2 power cell to run.1,500c
Command BunkerIs a heavily fortified base with 500,000,000 of Armor. 4 anti air guns and 4 laser rifle attachments with laser rifles. New equipment can be installed. Takes 12 power cell to run.4500c
Tripod Laser GunIs used for base defence and attacking other bases. Does 2000 damge to armor as well to people. Takes 1 power cell to run.600c
Anti-Aircraft Gun TurrentUse for gunning down space craft, does 6,000 Damage to fighters armor. Takes 2 power cell to run.600c
Missile Defence SystemSame as anti-aircraft guns but with missiles to destroy the fighter crafts. Does 12,000 Damage to armor. Takes 4 power cell to run. 1000c
Upgrades for Space Crafts
Light Titanium PlatingProtects ships by 600%Armor from AA guns and missiles100c
Medium Light Titanium PlatingProtect ship by 2,400% Armor from AA guns and missiles500c
Heavy Light Titanium PlatingProtect ship by 9,600%Armor from AA guns and missiles1000c
Light Medium Titanium PlatingProtect ship by 38,400%Armor from AA guns and missiles2000c
Medium Titanium PlatingProtect ship by 153,600%Armor from AA guns and missiles3000c
Heavy Medium Titanium PlatingProtect ship by 614,400%Armor from AA guns and missiles4000c
Light Large Titanium platingProtect ship by 2,457,600%Armor from aa guns and missles5000c
Medium large Titanium platingProtect ship by 9,830,400%Armor from aa guns and missles6000c
Heavy large Titanium platingProtect ship by 39,321,600%Armor from aa guns and missles7000c
Light Exra Large Titanium platingProtect ship by 157,286,400%Armor from aa guns and missles8000c
Medium Exra Large Titanium platingProtect ship by 629,145,600%Armor from aa guns and missles9000c
Heavy Exra Large Titanium platingProtect ship by 2,516,582,400%Armor from aa guns and missles10,000c
Ultra Heavy Exra Large Titanium platingProtect ship by 10,066,329,600%Armor from aa guns and missles50,000c
Power generators
50x Cell GeneratorGives you 50 energy cells to run anything that requires power.500c
500x Cell GeneratorGives you 500 energy cells to run anything that requires power.1,000c
1,000x Cell GeneratorGives you 1,000 energy cells to run anything that requires power.4,000c
4,000x Cell GeneratorGives you 4000 energy cells to run anything that requires power.10,000c
8,000x Cell GeneratorGives you 8000 energy cells to run anything that requires power.100,000c
100,000x Cell GeneratorGives you 100,000 energy cells to run anything that requires power.1,000,000c
Fighters of the universe
ploitIs train to fly star fighters and is armed with a laser rifle600c
MechcanicIs able to fix things that are broken for free.600c
Storm TroopersIs MIllitary trooper to Defend your base when you are gone,armed with a laser rifle.800c
universal fightersCan be any race type(ex.)Nameks,Sayain's,Unknow's, and they start with 1 PL + 50,000% PL boost, same as normal you are.8,000c

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