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Rules Of Super Dragon Ball Z

To Start you can Pick up to two Character That Are In this Universe:The List Below Is the Type of Character You can Have:

Universal Race List


After you pick 2 of the types of races then Its on to the Names of your Characters which can be any name you want it to be.

What Do You Get When You Start?

You will start off with An Power Level of 1 And you have 6000 Credits to spend & every Tuesdays,Fridays you will recevie 2000 credits on these days.

Fighting: Winning or Loseing

When you what to fight you will pick what Character you what to fight and put an message saying you what to fight that person and wait for a reply. If the person does not reply then you will have a win added to your chart.
If the person replys then you will send me your 15 moves that you want to use and if you have a healing move or senzu bean tell me when you what to use it, then I'll Descide who win when some one Power Level reaches zero that person has the choice to leave you or kill you.
If you win you will get 10,000%pl boost & one of his Dragon Ball,If you kill him you get An items of your choice as well. If you lose then you will get 5,000%pl boost as well as one of your Dragon Ball,If He kills you He Gets An Item of his choice.

What Happen After you Die?

If you Are killed then you will Go to The Other Dimention And you will be able to run To the end of Snake Way & Be at King Ki Of the North And Train Only his moves Plus his Gravity trainning which is 10xG for free,You stay there for 1 month & you can't buy any Itmes from the Store or any thing else. But you can use your fruit of Might still & still get your 1000c to train up there.

What The limit that my Character do?

Your Character Can hold up to 25 Items Max, If more room is needed then you can get Storage locker which holds 20 more items or storage House which holds 1000 items more.

More What your Character Can do.

Tree of might:You can hold up to 4 Tree Max for both Characters which give you 1 Fruit every 4 days & for the Tree's they last 6 Month's.

Senzu Farm:You can have two senzu farm per Characters which give you 6 Senzu beans every 4 days They Last for 6 Months as well.
When you have buy something it 1 item every thing you get is one Item, if you put a Tree of might in a locker it will not grow.

How Do I Train For Attack Moves & Gravity training?

If want to learn moves then you will look on the chart on what planet your on and depending on how much credits you have will determan what move you get, When done the move you will get 50 Damage of that move so the more you learn it the better you have of destroying your opponet with it. For Gravity Trainning you will look at your Power Level which is 1 & you should look across the chart to see that you have to train at 0xG to get the PL Boost of that trainning section.

What If My Character Is An Sayain-Jin?

If your Character is a Sayain-Jin,When there Is a Full Moon on my Astronomy chart you will go Oozzura Which is A Huge Ape So your Normal power level will mutiply by 4, & if you don't know Controle Oozzura you will Tranform As well if you Know how to use moon Blast you will be able to tranform any time you want.

How Do Tournaments Work?

When There is a torunament you will have to not train or any thing else, it tests to see if your paying attention and all. When you enter you will recevie 600c & you have to be ready to fight.
As well there will be an Tenkaichi Bodoukai Tournaments.

That all I can think of as well if any one is cheating I'll take aways some pl or something else, Or If you realy get Me Mad I'll kick You off the site.

Should there not be answer for your qestion Please e-mail me. Thank you.

Hope you have a Good time at Super Dragon Ball Z

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