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Then one day I found out that I am a Gangrel have the urge to feed on blood of fresh victims.Villages fear Me greatly when I enter their villages.From this Day On They Fear Me An Hide Smirks.Then one day i left in search of a New Family .From This Day On I will find a New Home an New Family To Serve For.Then One Day I came across on Old Friend Seraph in Vampire_Epic asking if i wanna Come To ms Murda Squad to become a High Council. I Took it with Great Pride Bows To Him saying Thank You I shall make you Proud an my Family MS.

Fear This Gangrel MS High Council I Shall Take Your Life Be Prepared To Die A Slow Painful Death An Loyal To My Family MS Murda Squad

Birthplace: Old Country

Birthdate: UnKnown???

Birth Parents: They Were Both Killed by Vampire Hunters

Hair Color: Long Black Hair In A PonyTail

Eye Color: Deep Black They Turn Yellow When Pissed Off

Height An Weight: 7ft0, 340 Solid Mass

Clothing: Dressed All In Black With A Black Cape An Black Boots

Family Crest: WolfsHead Tattooed an My Right Arm

Weapons: Skilled In All Self Defense An Combat An Weapons

Race Of Vampire: Gangrel