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It's kind of like Mardi Gras and Spring Break meet Sunday School :: 22/September/2002 :: Lowell Rahl
Only not

Enterprise: Shockwave, Part II :: 22/September/2002 :: Tim Lynch
A good cliffhanger resolution

Musical Interlude :: 22/September/2002 :: shund
Sex + Music = ROMANCE

Class or Porn? :: 21/September/2002 :: Thomas
Time to get your sin on.

My first real attempt at writing fiction-type stuff. :: 19/September/2002 :: WileE
And not surprisingly, it isn't that good!

Put the dro in the air :: 03/September/2002 :: JAV
Also could be called, I LUVVV CAPS LOCK

Some more helpful back to school hints :: 02/September/2002 :: Thomas
Advise is a form of dispensing information you'd never personally do.

Homework :: 31/August/2002 :: Thomas
and more back to school fun

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3. Phantasmo
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6. Lethal Wrestling
7. We Ain't Cool
8. The Mad Prophet
9. Shokka
10. Listen to Me