First Impressions

*~*June 11th,1980*~*

*It’s 2am as we open in Mercy General in the New York. The waiting room it full patients as a stretcher comes wheeling by, On it looks to be a woman in her mid 30’s and looks to be in labor. Doctors are swarmed around her as they are followed by a man looking as if he’s in his late 30’s clutching the hand of what looks to be a 8 year old boy. The woman is wheeled into curtain three. She screams in agony as the doctors begin ordering her to push. Moments later we hear the screaming of a brand new baby girl. We get closer as the nurse finishes cleaning her up and hands her to the new mother. The little girl is pale and fragile and has a head full of straight jet black hair. The little girl is soon soothed my her mother as the man and boy from earlier enter the room. We see wedding bands donning the woman and the mans hands so now we know they are husband and wife, the boy their son and now their brand knew baby girl. The man stands next to his wife and daughter the boy sits on the edge of the bed. The family looks happy as the scene begins to fade*

*~*December 24th 1985*~*

*The year is 1985, it’s December 24th. Christmas eve. We open in The Bowlery, in a two bedroom apartment in a bad part of town. We see two little children sitting by a small Christmas tree. One is a boy about 13 and the other a little girl about 5. The little boy has short dark brown hair and is dressed in blue boxers and a white t-shirt. The little girl has long black hair and is wearing a pink nightgown. They sit around the Christmas tree playing with their toys as their mother enters the room. She smiles at the children as the little girl speaks*

Girl: Mommy?

Mother: yes Alexandria? *Yes indeed the little girl is Alexandria Nicole Levy now known as Vampira*

Alexandria: Where’s daddy?

Mother: I do not know honey. You play with your brother while I finish dinner.

*Alexandria nods her head and obeys as her mother enters the kitchen. About a hour later a tall man enters the apartment. He is about 6’2 with short black hair. He does not look like he is in a very good mood. He storms past the children and into the kitchen to who we now know is his wife and obviously the father of the children. We cut to the children who are playing amongst themselves with their brand new toys that “Santa” brought them. A few minutes later we see their mother being thrown from the kitchen. Her face is bloody and bruised. The father walks out but the little boy covers his mother trying to protect her*

The Father: Scott get out of the way.

*Indeed the little boy is Scott Levy III now known as Raven. The little boy kicks at his father but is not enough obviously to over power the man and is meet by his father kicking him in the stomach. The little boy cry’s out but does not budge. The man picks his son up and throws him against the wall. He kicks him down and tells him if he moves he will make sure he will get a beating he will never forget. The man goes back to his wife who is now on her feet. He grabs her by the neck and goes to hit her but Alexandria runs at him and sinks her teeth into his leg. The man drops his wife as screams out. He grabs his daughter and throws her against the glass coffee stable breaking it. The man turns around and is met by a bat to the head and falls over riving in pain before falling unconscious. The woman gathers her children in her arms before taking them into the kitchen and calling the police as everything goes dark*

*~*December 30th 1985*~*

*Our scene opens in the same apartment days later. Police are everywhere. We see two bodies laying in the floor and blood surrounding them. We recognize them as the Mother and Father of Alexandra and Scotty. We over hear the police saying the man shot his wife and them himself. The police also question where the children are. We pull away and fade out only to fade back in in a alley behind the apartment. We see Scotty and Alexandra hiding behind a dumpster. We see Scotty holding his little sister whisper to her that they are going to be fine and he will never let anything bad happen to her*

Alexandria: Scotty?

Scotty: Yeah Alex?

Alexandria: I scared. What are we gonna do with out mommy and daddy?

Scotty: it is ok to be scared but God needed them so they had to go and they will always be watching over us. We will be ok we can make it. Trust me.

*He holds her hand as the two run off into the darkness and out scene cuts*

*~*June 22nd,2005*~*

*We now open inside the same apartment 20 years later. The building has been condemned. The windows bored with only a few spots of sunlight peeking thru, the floor is dirty and dingy covered in dead bugs, and some not so dead bugs, the furniture is covered in plastic, we see part of the wooden floor is till stained with blood. Soon enters a woman, she stands over 6 feet tall and looks to weigh somewhere between 160 and 180. Her skin is pale white and her hair is jet black and touches her waist. She wears black velvet pants, a pair of black heeled boots, a black corset top with pink silk laces lacing up the back. Her eyes are lined black and her lips are painted to match. Her hair hangs down her back with a bit brushed over her shoulders and is wearing a black leather cow boy hat which shields her face somewhat. The cameras move up the woman's body soon reveling here cold emerald green eyes. We can tell it is none other than Alexandra Levy, or also know as Vampira. Vampira walks across the floor and stops in front of the blood stains on the floor she picks up a dirty old teddy bear which belonged to her and which she deemed Thomas. She looks at the bear and speaks softly*

Vampira: So many memories. Many bad ones few good ones, so much anger and fear lived here. So many tears were shed along with blood. But I guess I should be thankful for it all because it made me the woman I am, it has giving me the strength to be fearless and not hold anything back. It has made my heart mind body and soul stronger*

*Vampira holds the bear close to her as she walks towards the blood stained wall Vampira cringes as flashbacks from that fateful day replay in her head. She looks around and sees toys clothes and shattered pictures all over. Vampira walks across the broken glass as she comes to the corner where we see the remains of a chalk outline*

Vampira: This is where my mother fell. Over there by the door is where my father stood and shot her in the head. She died instantly. Then my father turned around stuck the gun in his mouth and shot himself. I am not to sure he would not have shot my brother and I had we been hiding from him. I watched my parents died, that's when it started, the pain started darkening my heart, that rage start to consume me until one day I looked in the mirror I did not see Alexandria Levy, no I some something worse, I saw Vampira, she stared back at me with her unforgiving eyes, that demon had been in me all along but it took my fathers and mothers deaths to bring her out. At first she scared me, she took control of me and did not stop. She ate my soul away and turned my world into a whirlwind of pain and loneliness. At first I tried to fight her, tried to over take her but she was to strong. soon I learned not to fight her, soon the Alexandra Levy everyone knew was gone, she had become Vampira.

*The angry glare begins to soften as we see a single tear fall from Vampira’s eye*

Vampira: At first I hated it, I was called a freak. Does anyone know what its like to be called a freak? To be laughed at because your different? To be looked down on by society cause your full of flaws, your a bit taller than normal girls, a bit chubby, your skins almost as white as milk, your voice is deeper than other girls. I know how it all feels, because that was all me. At first all I wanted to be was normal. but then the harsh reality set in that I was never going to be beautiful, I was never gonna be normal. I was and always will be forever be emotionally and physically scared. I grew to hate people and everyone one around me. Does anyone know what its like moving foster home to foster home fighting to at least stay with my brother because I couldn't bear to lose him as well. Do you know what its like to have the little kids laugh at you and call you names? Children are the best executioners.

*Vampiras eyes fall to the ground as she speaks, he voice becoming a bit softer*

Vampira: Do you know what its like to pray that when u go to bed you don't wake up because you do not wanna carrying on either living on the streets sleeping with one eye open sop you don't get killed, robbed or raped or waking up to the knew foster family where the mother isn't around and your “father” beats you for not calling him sir. Sometime desperately trying to take your life only to be disappointed by filing that just like you failed in life.

*Vampira falls to a crouching position and tries to hide the tears falling from her eyes as a noise is heard behind her. Vampira senses who it is so she does no turn to them. Suddenly a hand reaches out from an unseen figure and touches Vampira on her shoulder as a man's voice is heard trying to be of some comfort*

Voice: The world can definitely be a cold an unforgiving place. I have always been a loner but for me it was by choice so I cannot begin to understand your pain. I did however make a promise to you. One I intend to keep. You are neither a freak nor an outcast in my eyes. You are simply you as I am me. Whether others accept that or not is of no concern because we live for ourselves and you now have me to walk the path of life with you.

Vampira: I know and for that I am grateful to have found someone who actually cares. I have built myself up to be this hatful rage filled person only to hide the fact that I feel incomplete sometimes. I know shocking coming from the lips of Vampira when you have seen my history.

*The figure moves around a bit but still only the shadow movements could be seen as he keeps himself hidden*

Voice: We all have are demons inside. I've grown up to live life a day at a time. To take things at they come. I have made a career from seeing beyond what is shown and into the hearts. That is why the hatred you show never even caused me to flinch. What you speak and what I saw in your eyes were two different things but as it were you have anew outlet for the hurt ..a place where you can channel it into something of success once again.

*Vampira rises to her feet and looks over her shoulder at the figure*

Vampira: Do you think they can handle it? Do you thinking that they can fathom what its going to be like when Vampira is unleashed. She has been locked up for some months now and she isn't happy.

*Vampira wipes the remaining tears from her eyes*

Vampira: Emotions aren't a good thing, at least the bad ones. I feel that demon inside me, she is eating away at me, wanting to break free and cause havoc and sorrow. She is begging me to let her out. And coming here didnt make it any better, it made her hungrier and more vicious.

Voice: I was never one for popularity contest myself so to that I can only say if it is who you are be true to yourself there but at the same time never forget this side of you either. One cannot exist without the other darlin' it all balances out.

Vampira: Im not saying its a bad thing, I learned to embrace “her” a long time ago, learned to stop fighting “her” and let “her”. I am just wondering will they(awf) be ready for her. Can they handle the nature of her actions and her words.

*We notice her voice changing and the look in her eyes becoming sadistic. Vampira falls to her knees screaming. She falls on her hands as she breathes heavily. A few moments later Vampiras head flys up and her once soft emerald eyes now burn with fires of hatred and agony. She bares her pearl white fangs at the cameras with a loud hiss. She rises to her feet as we see a presence far different from the one we seen a few moments ago*

Voice: That look ..Let me guess...the other side...the other personality felt she needed to speak. Well I am not one to run or fear anything. So this should be an interesting conversation

Vampira: Fear is a beautiful thing. Its quite amusing to watch someone falls to their knees and quake at the mere sight of you/ Knowing their time is up, knowing that your going to scatter them into a million pieces. Your going to not only break their bones but their spirit aswell. The look in the eyes of someone who knows they are about to be crucified it a very pleasurable one. Have you ever had that experience?

*A slight bit of laughter could be heard from the shadowy figure as well as the sound as if someone was knocking on something wooden*

Voice: I can't say that I have. I have a slightly different approach to things but I don't condemn you for yours. Most fear What they cannot understand anyway. I already know I have nothing to fear from you as you know I am anything but a threat. It’s all about letting you be who you are and do as you wish I hold you to almost no boundaries beyond those that are obvious.

*Vampira turns and looks towards the figure and smiles. Not your normal smile, but that of a slightly unbalanced person, a person who is competent but in the same right you never really know when they will snap*

Vampira: You do realize that being in my presence those experiences are many? Like when I’m standing in the ring looking across at my opponent watching their eyes give them away. Watching how their eyes tell me how their sizing me up, wondering just how they are going to get thru this match then during the match seeing in their eyes that they know their defeat will come soon and after the match the sorrow in their eyes knowing that they fell victim. I am grateful you accept that, most men would run screaming. Many have before, when they found out how truly sadistic and unbalanced I am.

Voice: Sadistic are you then now I will answer your question of are they ready. From what I've learned AWF is not for pansy's or the weak at heart so they will welcome your sadistic streak but as far as being ready only time will tell. Some there will definitely be other however will be a those men you spoke of and fall victim not only to you but all of us.

Vampira: What fun we shall have. I can hardly wait. months I have been caged inside waiting for my opportunity to shine once more. I have months of frustration to relieve. I do pity the victims that will come of this. The poor souls who will under estimate me and have their life line cut like in a matter of seconds. To watch them suffer like I have for so many years. Do you want to know a secret?

Voice: If it teaches me more about the person you are then by all means do tell. By now you know there is nothing you could say that would shock or phase me.

Vampira: I hope you know what you have gotten yourself into. My name Vampira, it means Female Vampire. I have no delusions of being a actual Vampire but I do admit when I have made my point and my victims blood is smears all over the mat and also covers me I find it very, arousing. Some people like blood shed to clam their prize but me, I enjoy it. The feel the taste, its enough to drive a girl wild. Standing their with not only their blood on your hands but their flesh under your nails. For me its the most erotic experience, that's also part of what drive me. I mean girl has to have her fun.

Voice: That is interesting. I will have to make sure I am around after your matches then. Oh and just so you know I'm not afraid to bleed myself. Whatever it takes is what takes so perhaps you will soon be watching my blood spill.

Vampira: Now that I like to see, a man who isn't afraid to bleed. You know this is the beginning of a lovely relationship. The day is getting late I think it is time take our leave. Don't want them having to much fun just yet.

*Footsteps could be heard as the shadow itself now moved from view. The creaking of door slowly opening is heard next before the voice finally speaks again*

Voice: Lead the way my dear...lead the way...

*Vamp gives a smile before walking to the darkness with the figure and the scene cutting*