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There will be some words used during the series that may confuse some. This glossary was built to help clear up some confusion.

Now, let's see what some of the internet sources say about the creatures and disiplines that are encountered in the Dark Angel Saga:



(Greek angelos,"messenger"), celestial being believed to be a messenger, or intermediary, between God, or the gods, and humankind. All religions are concerned with the relationship human beings have or may have with the supernatural realm. In ancient Greek religion, in Judaism and Christianity, and in Islam this relationship is thought to involve angels—divine messengers sent to humans to instruct, inform, or command them. An angel can function also as a protective guardian, as a heavenly warrior, and even as a cosmic power. Moreover, the line between a good angel and a bad angel, or demon, is sometimes unclear. Hence, angels can be broadly described as personified powers mediating between the divine and the human.


In folklore a corpse that rises from the grave during the night, often in the form of a bat, and, for nourishment, sucks the blood of sleeping humans. Various talismans and herbs supposedly avert vampires, but, according to tradition, they can be destroyed only by cremationor by stakes driven through their hearts. Belief in vampires originated in ancient times and was especially widespread among the Slavs. The novel Dracula (1897) by the British writer Bram Stoker tells the story of the Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula, who became one of the most popular subjects of horror films.

Supernatural being, spirit, or force capable of influencing human lives, usually by evil means. Demons have played a role in the traditions of most religions and also have appeared in mythology and literature. the practice of expelling demons that possess people or places, has been carried out by many religions, usually by a person with special authority. The study of demons is called demonology.

(Old English werewulf,"man-wolf") According to an ancient. a man who is transformed, or who transforms himself, into a wolf in nature and appearance. The werewolf, sometimes transformed under the influence of a full moon, roams about at night, devouring infants or corpses. Stories of such transformations are given in the works of several classical writers and the superstition was common throughout Europe in late medieval times, when many men were accused and convicted of being werewolves. The term lycanthropy refers to the delusion that one has become a wolf.

(sorcery), art of attaining objectives, acquiring knowledge, or performing works of wonder through supernatural or nonrational means. Techniques used in magic typically include chants and spells, gestures or actions that often have a symbolic relation to the desired result (for example, acting out a successful hunt of the past to make a future hunt successful), and the use of substances believed to have a special relationship with the powers needed to accomplish the intended purpose.

The practice of attempting to communicate with the spirits of the dead in order to predict or influence the future

From: Wordsmyth

Black magic:
Magic accomplished with evil intent or by satanic means.

A woman who practices or is believed to practice occult magic; sorceress. (Cf. warlock.)

A man who practices witchcraft or magic arts; sorcerer.

Now for the words that are exclusive only to Dark Angel Saga:

One who has Dark Angel and witch/warlock (also Vampire/witch/warlock)ancestry. Named after Lilith, mother of the vampire race.

Basically to claim another sire's childe through the exchange of blood. The Dark Angel sire would drain the childe to almost near death, then have the childe feed form them, thus making them theirs. It another trait that is frowned upon by the Masquarade.

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