Dark Angelic One's Haven

The door opens to a very large and gothic style home, it seems the house is split down the middle, with one side being very modern, the other side being very old world, a man walks out from behind the door, and nods to you as you enter. "Welcome to my home, where sometimes I am sorry to say chaos rules, this is my home the place where I come at the end of a long night of beating back the worlds evil to be me, sometimes humbled so times angry and sometimes playful... please make yourselves at home, look around, I do warn you some of the places here have art work that is a bit racey for young eyes, (pg-13 for the most part, r when told) and my words can get harsh at times, but that being said, don't get lost, My home, she can... make you fade away if you aren't TOO careful..." Then the door slams behind you... and you are in his home

Rooms In the Home

All about Me
Places to Go Hide
Thoughts feelings and dreams
The Ones that help me make it though a day
Stories and Poems
The House Sephiroth Build
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Can anybody find me somebody to love

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