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Pain's Flame

The pain over-takes a lot of us. Some of us can't carry on, but there are some of us that aren't going to let all of the shit in this world bring us down. So if you are going to sit there and and pout, then this is not a place for you. Yes, you may think you have it bad, so that means it must be all about you-right??? HELL NO!!! Okay maybe you have it bad, but it doesn't mean you can bring others down and make them feel like shit. You might be pissed at me by now, but I don't care. Every one has pain and problems, but it is how you handle it that means something. So here, there is no pouting, cry, or anything. If anything, be heartless-don't let anything bring you down or anyone. And if they start to bring you down, you better ask yourself, "Why the hell am I letting them!" If you are wanting to e-mail me to tell me off or anything else, go ahead. Address is @ the bottem of the page. There you go, you have the chance.

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