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Ok in the city there are oyher players like you and there are also computer ran players they are called NPC's {non player charectors}. If you do attack another player then they will report it to a constable and you just might find yourself on the wrong end of a Stave.

All over Iridine there are hunting grounds in these you can fight certain NPC's. The following are a list of the Basic ones around Iridine and waht you find in them.

The Island- Pups, Crabs and angry gulls. Thsi hunting ground is the best for newbies to the city.

Sewers- Large brown rats, Osecars and Sewer snakes. This is good for people that are advancing well in there skill.

The Pits- There are 4 types of rats i will list them soon. This hunting ground is for people that know what they are doing once you are able to cruise through the sewer with NO trouble then you can think of going on to the pits.

Dumps- 3 types of rats which will come soon and hounds. This hunting ground is slightly easier than the pits but can be hard at times.

Also do not Approach other players at anytime unless you are engaging in a spar with them, if you do this may indicate that you are planning to attack them. Also one thing that is very clear but i have seen many people do it. Dont attack a constable NPC he may not do anything to you at that very momment, but when you walk of and come acroos another constable he just might start swinging his stave about.

Prtactice Sparring

Now when you Spar you may want to consider doing it in practice mode. Practice mode is when you hold back the force of your blow inflicting no lasting damage or something like that. The reason this is you can still be taken to jail for sparring out of practice even if the other person says it is all ok.

To get into practice mode type


Thats all there is to it to get out of it you repeat the same.


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