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Combat Stances


When you are fighting you will be able to use a varity of stances the following are the ones you can chosoe from:






Each have there up and down sides for instances, they have percentages in there blocks and attacks they are listed below:


Berserk- 100% attack 0% blocks, this is used when you are fighting a practice dummy or and enemy you are skilled enough to tkae out in a few hits such as rats.

Defensive- 0% attack 100% blocks this is used when you want to stand and just defend yourself.

Aggressive- 75% attack 25% block is used when you would like to stop a few hits coming from an apponent and are skilled enough to kill a rat and use blocks.

Wary- 25% 75% blocks gives you a high block rate and low attack useful for when you want to gain SP's on a target.

Normal- 50% attack 50% blocks you start in this it is a even rate of blocks and attacks.

To change from one stance to another you type:

<[whatever stance you want to go to]>

It is as simply as that.

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