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WPRS Review 9
:|: Aquarius :|: Crystal Clear :|:
Reviewed on Nov 20, 2001- 7:13pm

Splash: Very nice but you should put your cliques and sister sites on a separate page.

Main (pop up): Nice chromeless frames! There are minor spelling mistakes on the main page.

Info: The 'Story' was excellent but there was a few spelling mistakes. The Senshi Info was nice but once again, you had to watch your spelling! You also used the Japanese names of the characters but you used the dubbed episode titles for their appearance.

Image Galleries: They're all good but you should really get more pics before you set aside a whole section to Sailormoon images.

Quizzes: These were fun although you should find a way to show the answers when the person finishes the quiz.

Misc: Everything in here was amazing. Everything seemed to work and I found nothing broken or out of place!

Overall Comment: You totally deserve the mark you got! I think you put a lot of effort into your site! There's one thing missing; 'back' buttons, like on the senshi profiles and quizzes. I really hated having to right click to go back.

Final Evaluation:
Layout: 14/15
Content: 13/15
Organization: 11/15
Broken Links/Images: 10/10
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: 6/10
Creativity: 10/10
Loading Time: 10/10
Effort: 5/5
Navigation: 5/5
Credit: 3/5

Final Mark: 87/100 ~~~> 87%- A
