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*Crystal Clear*


Website:Crystal Clear


Final Grade:3.56- about a C

Reviewed by:Chibi Mercury




First Impression: Starts out on a splash page, which is okay because it is being used for a purpose. Cute pic to!I'm going to grade the pop-up version of you site, k?^-^0

Content (3.0/3.0):

Information- Profile on each Senshi, good! very organized

Image Gallery- hai!!!! actuall thumbnails.. thankyou!!!!! ^-^ very good! I haven't seen a lot of these pics ,Wow!

Quizes and other stuff- cool quizes, I hardly can find any good sites with quizes that actually work these days!


-Reviews on this site- list of reviews she has gotton with links

-Awards this site has one- explains it self

-Please vote for this site!!- what do you think peoples, lol

-Links out- Links out!

-Linking back- perty banners! note: you might want to put the html codeing for you links, for us html freaks! ^--^

-About this site- Wow! cool, and good self explanation of here pertyful site

-About this layout- about she came up with the layout

-Guestbook- I don't grade guest books

Links(5.0/5.0)- Perfect!!! everything is working!

Navigation (5.0/5.0)- Very user friendly navigation! Good work!

Graphics (5.0/5.0)- Pretty! but not tacky like most sites out there, very good!

Credits (4.8/4.8)- umm there wasn't any, but she did say she made the graphics, you should probally put up a credits page to the creaters of BSSM

Final Thoughts- Good work, beutiful layout, and easy navigation. you might want a little more content thought some humor or fan section.
