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PunX RoXoRz

Im writing this out of pure anger because i believe that anger helps you express your true feelings. I am sick of this punk rock bullshit. What the fuck is it? can someone please tell me? On second thought dont tell me because in a month some music CEO will have 32 of the described clones out on the market making pop singles. Seriously though, nobody knows what it is. It is something that everybody is doing but nobody has a goddamn clue.

What is "Punk"? someone who according to a dictionary a "Punk" is a dry piece of wood, a prostitute, a young man having sex with an old man, or a young person being rebellious or in counter cultural groups. Now i may be wrong but lately i havent seen a bunch of wood running around or gay boys... the prostitute, maybe (After the whole Britney Fiasco mommys had to lock up there little girls, tsk tsk tsk) oh but gee golly... It mentions young persons being rebellious. I dont think it mentioned music, clothes or anything else. So if i understand this correctly you can dress from the mens fashion depot and jay walk at the same time and consider yourself as a punk, right? Not according to the youth I talk to. You have to sleep in the gutter and get stoned off your ass. I personally don't care that you sleep in the gutter but i can see how thats rebelious to grandma. but what about the other 95% of the people that really get people pissed off? The ones that are just "dressing punk" because its what everyone is doing. IF EVERYONE IS DOING IT ITS NOT REBELLIOUS AND THEREFORE IT ISNT PUNK! Okay now i have said it. You are all fucking stupid and you should be calling yourselves trendy. once its popular its impossible to call it punk. Its like an oxymoron. What about the music? The music makes the punker, right? I may be wrong but i dont think so. Because it is really easy to say "I hate people they are fucking stupid go the fuck away" but hey sign up with a major record label and after 5 minutes of tweaking the song you get a mill put into your pocket and you get this "I hate jocks they are fucking stupid get off me jocks." this is what we like to call grabbing a type of audience. Obviously the jocks arent gonna grab this cd but hey if anti jocks are big now then there gonna sell like hotcakes... isnt that the punk rawkin thing to do. So who is more punk? the singers? the girlies that dress the part (very convincingly)? How about the asshole? As far as i can guess the only true punk there is, is the asshole. He is the guy that says "I hate people" because when you look at people with a critical eye you have to say that people are fucking idiots that should be forced to review there lives and shown how ignorant and rediculous they are. They should be forced into seeing all the scams they have fallen into and all the bullshit they trust. Pop-Punk is an oxymoron and everyone that has to "Dress punk" is a fucking idiot. I heard a quote from a website some boy made about the pop singer Avril Lavigne and it made me laugh "People who listen to punk rock and such don't usually wear shorts like that." This is exactly what im talking about. But its not just this girl thats a fucking idiot because everyone agrees with her. Everyone. So, this shows further credit to my theory that people are fucking idiots. how can you dress something that is "countercultural" if culture is excepting the dress. Its funny because on the other hand you have the hardcore punkers that agree with me. They say that this girl is an idiot also and agree with me to most of the things im proving but there are also things that "they" dont agree with (I quoted they because im putting a generalization on it because in my oppinion a true punker is not a group but is many different kinds of things that cannot be classified and copied) because most of the hardercore punk rockers belive mostly on that music makes the punk. If you listen to a band that isnt popular then you must be countercultural and everyone else is an idiot, right? Unfortunatly not really to the fullest extent. Because anyone can hear an unknown band(including jocks like in the case with AFI). This means that they just got lucky for the time being. As you show more people this band there gonna get all popular and more people are gonna like them. Then the smart CEO's are gonna recognize potential and give them a tid bit of money and a contract and all of a sudden we run into the problem again, we have something that is popular. But wait, the hardcore guy cant like something that is popular because he is countercultural! He aways has been! but all of a sudden trendy people are liking the bands and its popular now so he must deny his love with this band to avoid classification... so does this make him a poser? or does this destroy punk? Or is there such a thing as punk? Maybe its a fantasy for people who want to be original and unique. For the time being the real punks are the people NOBODY wants to be like because the way they act, smell, whatever. Well if THAT is true then we can classify that too. Here is what i mean. People like happy people, people understand sad and angry people, no one likes an asshole. Why would anyone want to be an asshole. To be an asshole is to be opposite of what people want to be, or countercultural... no one wants to be stinky, so being stinky is countercultural(unless you think BO smells like noodle soup like i do). So IN MY OPPINION, TO BE PUNK IS TO BE A SMELLY ASSHOLE! In the next paragraph im going to define asshole.


n. Vulgar Slang

1.The anus.

2.A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.

3.The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area.

Im gonna dwell on 2 and 3 because im not talking about the butt. When im talking about an asshole im talking about a person that people dont get along with because his views differ then other peoples views. His views focus on himself (usually). How can someone copy something when you are doing things for yourself. As someone else might explain this person is "Someone who doesnt care what anybody thinks" I think this person wouldnt follow trends wouldnt do anything unless he felt like it. Thus tapping into the true punks. I like these people because people dont understand them. Some shop at thrift stores and buy stuff. But shopping at thrift stores doesnt make you punk. I dont know how to explain it really, the best i can do is say that this person does what they want. they shop where they want. so being counter cultural has to be natural. Obviously, yet it musn't be obvious if no one understands it. It has to be natural therefore all this punk trend is stupid and a waste of time, in my oppinion.

**Note all of this is my oppinion. Also this was written on WordPad and was not formatted or checked for spelling/grammer/punctuation or even if it makes sense. As I said in the beginning, this was all written while I was very angry so there might be sections that dont make sense. I DONT CARE, DONT EMAIL ME!**