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look at my site. I SAID LOOK AT IT!!!

good things about this site.(the links are @ the bottom of the page)

my m8s(nuff said)
l8est music(duh)
the links(isn't it obvious?)
embarassing stories(ur stories and possibly mine!! nothin has been sent 2 me)
to kill list(those who should die)
slag of osama(slag him off as much as u want. (nothing barred and so far, nothing has been sent 2 me)
quotes from over time (funny ones sort-of)
funny pics
me, yes moi
Sarah, a very saddening poem. (fight child abuse)

welcome to my website.
i didn't have a clue what i was doing when i made this bunch a crap so don't blame me if you don't like it.
blame my limited intelligence

yeah, do that
