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Okie we all knew it would happen some dei... but rose finally fell into the evil temtations of the bishonen collecting game ^^;; How evil! Now this is the page where you get to see how much rose has splurged ><... okie now when rose fist joined she just got a bunch of bishis (cuz they're oh such fun!) but they don't have all the ones i want... >< supose i'll just have to submit ^^;; OH! Becasue rose is very lazy with the html and you're suposed to link fer everie pic o.O here pocket bishonen! pocket bishonen!! pocket bishonen!! pocket bishonen!! pocket bishonen!! pocket bishonen!! pocket bishonen!!!! pocket bishonen!!!! There! ^__^ that's ehough linx i believe... on to my strange list of bishi.. keep in mind that'll always be incomplete there's always more ^__^ but it'll prokallie take much time to load ^^;; hee hee the ravaging fandam!