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And So The Legacy Ends...

And So The Legacy Ends...
*Atop that familiar plateau in the darkness stood she, the stars casting a glimmer upon her dark golden hair. The full moon seemed to stop in the sky directly in front of her, the stars its crystalline tears. She brushes a single tear from her eye and looks upward, pinpointing, almost instinctively, the single star that serves as Earth's sun. Her eyes shone in the moonlight, like those of a cats', reflecting times long past, battles both lost and won, triumphs and tribulations, war and peace. Her familiar, melodic voice echoed over the territory that served as the Animals' home, crying out*
"The ends of our ties may sever, though to you, and I, I will always remain only a heartstring away. Call up the memory of me and I will be there with you, leaping into the fray headfirst, as usual. Now, however, the next great leg of my adventure will begin. I'm journeying into a world where magic doesn't live, and where my wings will no longer carry me. I will never forget you, not a single one, especially the ones who helped build me up when I was sinking, and the ones there when I needed a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with. We've gone through triumphs and tribulations, peace and war, and, most importantly, we've built a friendship that can never be severed, no matter how many of us leave. As for me... well, I've got a goal to strive for: I'm publishing my first novel, and I'm preparing to bury myself in studies, since I plan on being the best biologist around. Life's thrown me for a loop, and I accept it. You may see me sometimes, whether a shadow in your memory or there, the weary warrior, the loyal friend, and, most importantly, the girl behind the keyboard. Perhaps we'll meet again, whether in dreams or truely seeing each other for the first time... but until then, I terminate this sentence by firing squad... A last cigarrete- gladly! Shall I light it for you? You refuse the blindfold? Courage, if only it were on our side. Now, a red patch over your heart, and I leave you to your fate with a shout, "FIRE!".- A volley rings out through the courtyard. The echo diminishes, leaving deathly silence..." *******************************************************
*Having said this, she bows, a final display of her neverending sarcasm and sense of humor, then disappears, lost in a strand of moonlight for the last time...* My final goodbye... and a few personal notes.