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For Those of you who give a fuck to know this my name is Kristin, I'm 14 and a Freshman at NMCC.I Really dunno how to explain myself mainly because i haven't figured out who i am yet.There's no one else like me (which is probably for the best). I REALLY don't give a damn what people think about me, Take me as I am, or find someone else to screw over.So don't expect me to change or try to change me.. it's not gonna happen.Those who *take the time* to get to know me are in my heart forever and i would never let them down. Those are the true friends and the ones i will always hang onto.They don't come along too often.I Try To Live Life and make no regrets, WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS--you're gonna have to deal with it sooner or later.One thing I couldnt regret-***** Jon,You really mean a lot to me.You don't know how much happier you have made me already.When I talk to you, everything seems okay for once.I've NEVER felt that way before. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I don't wanna lose you or fuck anything up I really do love you, you just don't know how much and I'm ALWAYS gonna be here for you NO MATTER WHAT*****.... I Have 2 brothers, Robert And Josh, I Love them to death!! They're my best friends even though they might not realize it. My Friends and Family are EVERYTHING to me and i would be even more lost without them.They don't have any clue how much they mean to me. So don't fuck with them...or else XoXo-K®ï§tïñ-XoXo




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