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~ Father to Sorin Draven ~,

~ Revanche Draven ~,

~Chalia Draven ~,

~ Garic Draven ~,

~Octavious Starr Draven (missing)~

He sits in his tower on the highest most floor of Draven Fortress many scrolls he stares at blankly as if he would read of them yet.....all remain untouched and unheeded.

He, is Daemion Draven. First born Prince of the Draven Familia. Born from the love of the creators of this elite people, Eriq and Faith Draven. He was braught up knowing the values of love and honor. The sense of family and peace. Still with all this upbringing life will go its own way.

At 14 he met and fell into a crush with a young woman as beautiful as a spring day. She was kind and gentle to him and taught him things a growing man should know. He was hurt when he discovered her affections where in another man and not him. He fled the fortress and met his bestfriend, Morticia Starr. She is the beautiful daughter of Queen Thamara Starr of the once large family The Drachen Legions of Cain. They were inseparable.

At 20 his heart found one he thought to forever be his soul mate.....Lady Ciarra Draven. she was the answer to he wants and needs. The woman of his dreams and innermost soul. The next best thing that came to him was the birth of his son. Sorin now 12 years old is the epitome of Daemion. A short time later Daemion and his father had a falling out and he left the Dravens taking on the name LaSombra for himself and his family. Not long Ciarra gave him the gifts of twins. Chalia and Garic. Born LaSombra yet pure Draven by blood. During this most turmoil of times Daemion and Ciarra's life changed.

Ciarra vanished and Daemion at a loss went to Morticia for aid. A love unknown to the two blossomed and was forbidden. Together the nights went on and their feelings grew their bodies yearned and gave in. finally after loosing his wife he could move on. The childhood friendship grew. When at last he could confront his feelings and the courage to face the reprecutions of adultry he went to his father. On this night he found his wife awaiting him within his chambers. After this a bitter fight that ended in separation ensued. Decided was that Sorin would stay with his father the twins their mother so soon after being born. They remained friends and his mind was confused and to Morticia again he found solace and peace. Her marriage on the edge as well she vanished.

Alone with his thoughts and hid son and a name he didn't want he joined the vC_VampiresofCain_vC. He delved into his work and his training blocking out the pain and loneliness. Lady KnightAngel was patient and kind. She ensued trust in him making him a Royal Guard in her army during the Orc Wars. When it was fought and over he returned to Cain battle weary and exhausted to find Morticia waiting for him heavy with child.

He was ecstatic and once again seemed that life was returning to the cold depths of his heart. He discovered that the child she carried was his unborn. Daemion took Ticia to his father and mother and together they faced him. Daemion took back his fathers name and thinking all was well again returned to life as usual. He thanked Lady KnightAngel for her trust and told her she would always have his loyalty.

A walk to Cainpub one eve ended in tragedy as again Ciarra showed to Daemions side. She told him she wanted him back and to no end would she fight for it. She would take her child and make him submit to her. No longer in love with this woman his anger flared as did hers. So much so she threatened the lives of the twins sealing them in crystal caskets and blazing them with flames. By the laws of Cain he took his twins and his son and turned his back on her. Soon after a night of watch he returned to his chambers her corpse impaled upon a sword lay upon what once was the bed they shared. Grieved he took care of the body of his first beloved tenderly and carefully entombing her within the graveyard of the Draven Familia. With this he let go all of his hurt and pain returning to his best friends side.

Daemion moved on and soon asked for Morticias hand. Blessings of KnightAngel and his family they set to be wed soon after Octavious birth. He was a beautiful child spawned of the love between he and Ticia. A love that broke the bonds of many many trials. Happy again was he as he lay within the arms of his soon to be bride and newborn son.

Daemions life again is in turmoil as his fiancé and new son come missing. No ransom note, no one knowing anything. He fled to search high and low through out the realms and nothing has he found. He raises his twins and his oldest son alone and in waiting. Again he will go searching....again he will try. If nothing is found of her and his son....well that will show in time.

Much time has past since I penned a passage within this seemingly ancient tome. Almost three years past that Daemion serched endlessly to find his sonand beloved. Many months away from his children leftin the care of thier Aunts, Uncle, and Grandparents. Spent and exhausted he returned home empty handed and heavy of heart to find that the those responcible for taking Morticia and Octavious had released them. The memories of her abduction mysteriously gone from her mind no answers where given to Daemion. And he didnt need any. Safe inhis arms are his soon to be wife and his child.

Shortly after his recovery from travels beyond Draven and Cain lands he was accosted with another dark trying period. Ciarra once again seemed to find a head way into his life. She found his younger son, Garic, within a pub he liked to frequent with his friends. She approached him and told him things. Stories of her love and devotion though claiming never tainting his fathers name nor his families. Garic told Daemion of this woman and furious he went in serch of her. It just happened that the children and he met up with her and the confrontation that needed to happen finally came to a head. The Children chose to remain true to thier family, thier blood and their father and turned from Ciarra forever. A saddness...perhaps pity lives in Daemions heart for he once loved this woman and she did give life to his children. Her saddness did not fall on deaf ears. He will let his children decide what thier wishes are concerning Ciarra....maybe one day all of them will be happy in thier hearts and all will place the past behind them.

Fate is never without a morbid sense of irony, Morticia Starr is dead. It has been a couple more years now. Daemions waited so long. Thinking her dead he befriended a young Fae woman new to Dravens then tho a fmailiar face at presant and well loved. Miss Vivianna Draven has caught his eye and seems....his heart. Daemion revcieved word from many people his beloved was home. Suddenly in turmoil once again he waited for her....kept missing her. After a week or so he recieved a scroll tied with a ribbon and scented with her perfume. The words written where words of appology and goodbye. Frantic Daemion fled to the ruins of the Drachen Legions olden homelands to the home of Morticias family. He colapsed at the feet of his beloveds body two vials of her blood in each hand the rest dried and bled out in a pool about her lifeless body.

Daemion took her back to the place she was happiest and entombed her with his family. His heart ached and weeped for many weeks. He clung to the Lady Fae and his children concetrating on healing and loving them. There are times even now he misses his dearest friend and longs for her nearness. When he needs an ear, a shoulder to cry on. No one new him the way she did. Vivianna and Daemion grow to know one another and he finds solace in her arms and in the new love that grows in him for her.

Daemion aids his father and mother in running of the Draven Familia. It grows in memebers and remains as before....beliefs in Honor, Respect and Love dwell on high and are forever protected within the arms of those who love the night. In this night and in his shadows of happiness he continues his life.......