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a rosy picture

News: 03.03.04

Just spiced up the links with a little CSS, and changed a few things here and there. The code is messy as I've used mozilla composer for the most part, and it loves to make lots of unnecessary spacing. The cosby pic is gone, it's sad, but change happens.


My portfolio is all done and hot off the press. If you'd like to see my portfolio please click on the appropriately tilted link below. It's in its early stages of web transition so it basically looks really shabby. I also my an archives section up where you can see my earlier homepages/websites. I gotta wake up early in the morning to go to K-W. zzzzzzzzzzzz.


Like my Cosby pic? Click on it for a bigger one if you'd like. It's all about the jazzzz music!
Another year has gone by and little progress here. My portfolio meeting has come much earlier than expected, as in, 4 days from now! yikes! I got the letter informing me of this almost a couple of weeks ago. I was expecting this meeting to be in march like last year. Of course, last year I expected the meeting in April. sheesh. Well the pressure is on, so I had to pick up the slack quite a bit. I'll be pretty busy. The portfolio has to be ready tommorow for printing, I'm redoing my AP2 website, might be doing some artwork for a friend's band, and an online web dev program through ITI. Oh yeah, plus part time job, whatever that is I still have to look. Oh crap! I have to get my G2 sometime before March as well. Never a dull moment.


Stop the press! I now have a news section! Here I can post, you won't believe this: News! What kind of news? I don't know yet, but I just know this instant that the excitement is almost too much to bear. Bladder control must be a problem for you. I know my bladder is struggling, but perhaps that's due to all that rum 'n coke, orange juice and coffee I drank.
Seriously, this is the first update to this website since March or something. I have yet to do anything big with this project, but I hope that changes soon.

And as for changes, all I've really done was thrown some stuff together. I hope to you that this looks alright, I think it's alright. Whatever.

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