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Teen Pagan Information

You are a teenager, or starting on this new Journey which takes many paths which twist and turn.... You love your parents but they don't seem to understand, you want to continue this journey with their love and support but find it very difficult to do so.... What do I do?, you ask yourself, how can I get them to understand.... I don't worship the devil, I don't believe in Hell, certainly not Satan, I don't want to hurt people! I don't want to use magick, rituals, spells to harm another.... How do I explain to them what This Path will take?...
There are many different approaches you can take.... Be secretive, but then what will they think about that? Will it hurt them even more? Will it give them the wrong impression about this Journey you have chosen? Think very carefully before taking this approach.... What about taking the full force approach telling them it doesn't matter what they think you will continue to take this Journey and they can not stop you.... What are you telling them now, how will they feel about this approach? Is it giving them the right impression....?
How about this just very gently explain not the name of the Journey you are taking but explain that you believe in never harming another, respecting the earth and everyone and everything in it, you believe that everyone has the right to take their own paths whatever it may be-show respect and maturity, you believe in celebrating the seasons, the Moon Phases, The Passage of time within each person's life.... You believe that colour/color, herbs, incense, aromatherapy, alternative therapies, can help to benefit one's life.... So That they can understand not the name of what you call yourself but your beliefs, your faith, your understanding of the being the best you can possibly be! I have found to be the best approach even as an Adult when explaining to others this beautiful Journey I am taking.... It shows the respect we give others and expect for ourselves as Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Druids-Spiritual People taking a Wonderful, Beautiful Journey...

Teen Pagan Links More will be added.....

My Favorite Web sites

Witch's Voice
Vesta's Circle
Aeclectic Tarot
Sensing Murder NZ TV series

My Favorite Things About Angelfire
