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Thanksgiving is all about family, love, sharing and being blessed for what you have. The Newsletter would like to show gratitude to two amazing people who have done just this. Their dedication, unselfish giving of their time and efforts goes beyond words. We would also like to thank its members who receive this Newsletter for their thoughts and encouraging word of response that they so graciously give for us to put the next edition out.. As we are heading into our Third Edition of the Official Daniel Goddard Newsletter and the holiday season that is getting closer we want to Thank you Daniel and Sparks for your enthusiasm and continuing support

In This Issue:

* News
~Follow Ups

* Ask Daniel

*Fan Feedback

~Behind the Scenes
~Website of the Month

*Credits and Contact Info

Happy Holidays everyone!...Look out for our exclusive interview with Ben Seton from the "Rage" episode in our Beastmaster section!!!


Follow Ups from our last issue...

People's Sexiest Man Alive

Did anyone happen to catch this issue of People magazine?I suppose we should all not be so suprised that Brad Pitt got the cover(next year Daniel!) But the fact that they did a whole section on "Awsome Aussie's" without even giving Daniel the slightest mention has me just wild!I hope I am not over stepping my bounds here,but I for one am going to be writing to People expressing my feelings on this one.Anyone else with me?

~Outraged Editor

Fan Feedback Poll Results

Last Months Fan Feedback questions was all about US and what you all thought of the newsletter so far.These were the three options and the results:
2)It's good but...=1%
3) WOOHOO!=99%
It was such a great honor to see those results because we all work very hard to bring this newsletter to you,Daniel's fans,and to know it is appreciated means a lot...By the way,curious as to what the 1% for "It's good but..." had to say?

I'm too old to go 'Woo Hoo' so that's why I said "It's good but..." It is a good site, in fact it's more than good. Filled with informative news about not only the characters but Daniel Goddard as well, who often offers his own feedback & tips for healthy living. Honestly,he is way too far above the average person. So I would have to give this an all around grade A. It's clean & has a kind of innocence & honesty other sites are lacking.Thank you.

Thanks so much Blondie!

Ask Daniel...

  • Do you celebrate Thanksgiving at all?
  • Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here in Australia, so I'll have to miss it for a second year in a row -- along with Halloween. And I was just getting used to the traditions of these new holidays I'd adopted living in the US! What are you going to do? I'll just have to look forward to the up coming universal holidays such as Xmas and New Years. They are a lot of fun. Besides, Thanksgiving in the States was usually spent with native friends and their families which made me miss my own Mum and Dad. I'll miss Thanksgiving this year but at least I'll get to spend Xmas with my folks. So it all balances out!
  • What is Daniel Goddards philosophy on life?
  • That is an ever evolving answer. If you asked me that a year ago, I'd have given you a completely different answer. I would have said, "Discipline is the horse I ride." Reaching perfection in everything I do was my main concern. Now, I'm just trying to enjoy living and allowing myself to accept the uncontrollable. I'm learning to chose my battles and reserve my energy to enjoy the times when there are no tasks to be accomplished rather than constantly creating new challenges for myself. Ask me this same question a year from now and I can guarantee I'll have another answer. That's the beauty of is forever evolving along with your own personal growth.
  • What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
  • Do it because you love the craft...not because you have something to prove.Audiences are fickle. If you are in it for acceptance you will find that your greatest heights will never be enjoyed for fear of a decline. But if you do it for the work, you'll succeed regardless of box office tallies or television ratings because the only satifaction you seek is the satisfaction of a job well done by no other barometer than your own.
  • How long of a hiatus does BeastMaster give you off to recover?
  • We break near the end of Jan 2000,, then I come press and have a couple of months off. Last year there wasn't enough time to do a film, this year I'm not sure what the scheduling is like.
  • Does your family watch BeastMaster and if so what is their response along with how do they handle your career and popularity?
  • The show is about to air in Australia nationaly this Oct. It will run the first season. So far Mom and Dad have only seen a couple of episodes that have been taped. They are very happy for me..
  • Are there any question you would prefer to NOT have asked?
  • That's like one of those Detetive story slip ups where the Suspect tells the Police that he "didn't stab the girl" to which the Detective replies "who said anything about stabbnig there something you want to tell us?"
  • You and Sparky seem to have a great rapport with one another, have you been good friends for a long time?
  • Sparky was the first person I met when I arrived last year, he came to pick me up from the hotel. The message he left was "You can't miss me I'm wearing a rather loud shirt." I thought gee that's considerate of him. Then the next day he had another on, then the day after that. After a while I told him that it is all right that I can remember him by his face and that he doesn't need to wear the shirts anymore. To which he replied "did you think I was wearing the shirts for you?" What a guy!
  • Do you feel people look at your ability or your brawn more?
  • Ha ha. I used to get really frustrated by that topic and worked hard to prove a lot of things about myself to people. I came to realize that, unfortunately, EVERYONE is judged in one way or another. The people who tend to walk away unscathed are those who don't care if they are being stereotyped because those opinions aren't predicated on "who you are" as a person but what "category" you fall into. I began to realize that falling prey to that vicious cycle will only reduce me to a classification in my own mind. Yes, people tend to stereotype me as using steriods because I stay lean. Yes, people tend to stereotype me as being stupid or arrogant because my physical appearance happens to gel with their ideal of what an arrogant or unintelligent person looks like. Luckily there are those in the world who don't know me but still me as a three dimensional human being just like themselves... not just some two-dimensional veneer. So, to answer your question...I get both. Quite frankly I'd rather have someone tell me that my acting sucks than ask me how much I bench press.

    ~Much Love to all,Daniel



    Fan Feedback


    Who is your favorite new BM character,and why?

      The Nord King

    Why did you choose this character?


    There has been a month of BeastMaster and the "New Episodes" keep getting better. The fight scenes are enhanced, are stronger and more aggressive. The story lines have more depth, such as dramatic, suttle comedy thrown is along with the puns they carry. The characters grow in compassion, a good morale of friendship and having different characteristics to make them stronger as individuals.
    Episode Reviews: (Courtesy of
  • Orpheo(204): Arina's lover returns from beyond the grave to take her back with him.
  • Xinca(205): Tao returns to his homeland of Xinca; the nord attack and rout the Terrons.
  • Ghost of The Forest(206): It takes the determined spirit of a dying tiger to help Tao recognize a new purpose in his own life.
  • Rage(207): Dar and Tao prove that communication can be powerful weapon when they become involved in the Royal Family's bitter dispute.
  • White Tiger(208): The BeastMaster is stalked by the evil demon, Iara , who plots to win him for herself.
  • Heart Like A Lion(209): Dar goes to battle to save an entire village from the forces of the evil despot, Arkon.

  • Behind the Scenes of Beastmaster

    I recently had an chance to chat with the utterly charming guest star of the Beastmaster epsiode "Rage",Ben Seton, for a very fun and casual interview.Ben plays the Nord King Voden's estranged brother,Bahktiar ,who has been cursed with becoming a Puma whenever his temper flares.I think it is safe to say that Ben won us over with his incredible performance and amazing fighting skills.Find out what Ben has to say about working on Beastmaster and working with Daniel.I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I did giving it :) Ben Seton Interview


    For more on Beastmaster visit  You can also find more updates, times and where you can catch Beastmaster in your hometown.

    Yahoo!Beastmaster Club chat takes place on Mondays at 6pm Pac. or 9pm Est. We hope you can join in on the fun!

    Featured Fansite Of The Month:

    "Sapphire Mage's BeastMaster Home Page "

    For this months feature Website of the Month we took a look at "SapphireMage BeastMaster Website". The sections are broken down very nicely and give you little extras to keep you wanting more. It has from Updates&News, Reviews & Ratings, Links & Fan Site, some great Fan Fic writing along with a gallery collage of some very awesome pics that go per episode. The images and graphics on this site are incredible from the one you will see when you enter as it gives you intervals of scene photos, photo's are crisp and clear, download time per page is short. It is a positive directed site, well organized, very informative and gives credits to others for there supports and efforts from every aspect of the site. There is so much information you need to keep returning because it is updated constantly.   You can tell there is a lot of time and effort directed in this site to make it this way but this is not SapphireMages only site. She has multiple of them listed on this site for other informative BeastMaster cast and/or characters.   This next month there is a chat planned with Marjean Holden, who plays Arina on BeastMaster. It will take place December 2, 2000 at Yahoo. Please check out this amazing site and all that it has to offer as it continues to grow and get better..
    visit this site at the following link: 
    Sapphire Mage's BeastMaster Home Page

    BeastMaster FanFic Teaser:

    Wonder what fate has in store for Dar and Tao this month?Check out Part 3 as the series continues.

    Credits and Contact Info:

    The Anti Drug Campaign

    Anti-Drug Photo
    Daniel Goddard is an official Spokesman for the Anti-Drug campaign.  Join him in the battle to help keep kids drug free by visiting: The Anti-Drug   website and find out what you can do to help save a childs life.

    Newsletter Staff

  • Editor in Chief- Jaclyn (Jax)Stewart
  • Assisting Editor- Cynthia(Cyn)LaDuke
  • DGWebsite Manager/List Manager- Sparky
  • DGFanclub Manager- Laurie Allen

  • Contributing Writers
    *Cyn LaDuke

    *Cindy Carroll

    If you would like to unsubscribe,email Sparky
    Copyright © 2000,Official Daniel Goddard Newsletter, All Rights Reserved.