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Legend:Red type = Vampire History
Blue type = strange, unusual or occult occurrences

European discovery and exploration of the San Francisco Bay Area and its island began in 1542 and culminated with the mapping of the bay in 1775. Early visitors to the Bay Area were preceded 10,000 to 20,000 years earlier, however, by the native people indigenous to the area. Prior to the coming of the Spanish and Portuguese explorers, over 10,000 indigenous people, later to be called the Oholone (a Miwok Indian word meaning “western people”), lived in the coastal are between Point Sur and the San Francisco Bay.

The coastal area stretching from San Francisco to Monterey Bay was home to forty or so culturally diverse native tribes now known collectively as the Ohlone. Theirs was a mobile society of hunter-gatherers in a region where abundant waterfowl, shellfish, game, native plants, and fish provided sustenance for thriving villages. For the Ohlone and neighboring Bay Area peoples, the founding of San Francisco’s Mission Dolores in 1776 hastened the end of traditional, pre-European ways.

1579 In 1579 Captain Drake and crew, midway through their piratical circumnavigation of the globe, steered their Golden Hind into a foggy North Pacific cove surrounded by buff cliffs that reminded them of the White Cliffs of Dover. They stayed five weeks at the place they dubbed Nova Albion, repairing and supplying the ship and getting along famously with the natives.

1769 The entrance to San Francisco Bay, La Boca del Puerto (The mouth of the Port) is discovered on November 1 by Sergeant Jose Ortega.

1776 The first colonizing party arrived in 1776 to found the Presidio of San Francisco and Mission Dolores. La Mission de San Francisco de Asis (Mission Dolores) is designated as Registered Landmark Number One of the City and County of San Francisco. The Mission Church is the oldest intact building in San Francisco, and one of the oldest Mission Churches in California. The first mass celebrated at the Mission was on June 29, 1776 (5 days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence). Mission Dolores was the sixth of 21 missions established by the Franciscans.

1820 Early in the nineteenth century, ships from Boston began to visit the Spanish towns and Missions along the upper and lower California coast. They came first to barter for both otter and beaver pelts; later for tallow, hides, and materials used by the natives and settlers. In 1820’s American trappers and hunters began to drift into the State from the East. These early pioneers of the West were sometimes harshly treated by the earlier Spanish governors, later they were welcomed; but they had to show passports and submit to surveillance. Later, some new arrivals married the daughters of wealthy Mexican ranchers, and took up large land grants.

1846 On July 31, 1846, a weary company of about 220 Latter-day Saints (Mormons) passed through the rocky portals of the Golden Gate, anticipating the end of a difficult six-month voyage which took them around the southern tip of South America, they settled in the bay area.

1848 It was in the first part of January, 1848, when the gold was discovered at Coloma, where John A. Sutter was then building a saw mill.

1849 “… and in the morning of August 20th 1849 we were passing through the gold gate, and entering the bay of San Francisco. On one of the high hills which bounded our view on the right was the remains of an old fort, now nearly leveled with the ground; on the left the land rose more gradually, lifting up into mountains in the distance, and stretching off to where the peaks of the ‘Sierra Nevadas’ were just visible, their snowy caps dotting the horizon. Passing Bird Island on which, and flying around it were thousands of Pelicans; we saw the great fleet of deserted vessels lying before the city; and covering the hills near the beach, a few substantial buildings, and a thousand tents and canvas houses which made the City of San Francisco. As soon as anchored we were surrounded by boats ready to take us ashore; brining relatives and friends to some and news to all. Money must be plenty here thought I, when the boatmen charged me a dollar and a half for setting me ashore not ten minutes pull from the ship; and I began to think of getting a job that afternoon yet…” From a Diary of Eugene as he arrives in San Francisco.
The city catches on fire, after Sydney Ducks allegedly burns down the abode of a merchant who refuses to pay them protection money.

1851 On June 9, 1851, at Sydney cove, John Jenkins walked deliberately into a merchants store, picked up the small safe, carried it to a boat at a nearby wharf and coolly rowed out into the bay. The alarm was given, and a number of merchants pursued and overtook the man. Called “The 1851 Committee of Vigilance”

1853 California Academy of Sciences is founded.

1854 Lone Mountain (Laurel Hill) cemetery established in San Francisco.

1855 September 24- The preserved heads of Joaquin Murieta and Three-Fingered Jack were sold at auction today for $36 to satisfy a judgement.

1856 Following the cleanup of crime by the “1856 Committee of Vigilance” came a stimulating improvement in business and prospects, and it was on June 11, 1856, that the City and County of San Francisco was formed, and a new county called “San Mateo” was created out of the remainder of the old County of San Francisco.
San Francisco’s population reached approximately 30,000 people and made a speedy transition from a city of tents and shack to one of brick and stone buildings.
Prince Francesca Juarez claims that this is the year the first Kindred arrived in the Bay area. She gave no indication of who this individual was or what happened to them. No one has publicly claimed to make residence in San Francisco before Prince Juarez.
James King of William, editor of the “Evening Bulletin”, is shot and killed by James Casey.

1858 Sutro & Co. Founded in San Francisco by Gustav, Charles, and Emil Sutro. The company is the oldest investment banking firm in San Francisco.

1860 The pioneer pony of the famous express today begins its first trip across the continent. In 1860 the “Pioche Railroad” was started by the Market Street Railway Company, which graded Market Street. This road at first was operated by steam dummies, later by means of horses.

1861 Fort Point completed. Built to protect San Francisco from someone who never came. The fort was never fired on nor did it ever have to defend the Gate.

1865 “It was just after noon, on a bright October day. I was coming down Third Street. The only objects in motion anywhere in sight in that thickly built and populous quarter were a man in a buggy behind me, and a streetcar wending slowly up the cross street. Otherwise, all was solitude and a Sabbath stillness.” – Mark Twain on October 8, 1865, San Francisco.

1868 On a spring day in 1868, banker James Sloan Hutchinson stepped in to stop two horsemen who were dragging a squealing boar off to market along the street’s rough cobblestones. The incident moved Hutchinson to call together a group of fellow humanitarians to found “The San Francisco SPCA.” “We propose to publish bold, bright, fearless and truly independent newspaper, independent in all things, neutral in nothing.” With this emphatic statement of purpose, Charles and M. H. de Young, two brothers barely twenty years old, launched the Daily Morning Chronicle in 1868. It was just three years since they had borrowed a $20 gold piece to start The Daily Dramatic Chronicle, little more than a theater program and gossip sheet handed out at hotels, theaters, restaurants and saloons. Yet, after only three months of operations, the fledgling paper had scooped all other city dailies with an “extra” on Lincoln’s assassination.
On September 6th the first westbound train arrives in San Francisco.

1870 By 1870 San Francisco had become the tenth largest city in the United States. Everywhere one looked – hotels, restaurants, parks, churches, synagogues, schools, libraries, academies – there were signs that the United States now enjoyed a flourishing urban center thousands of miles in advance of the frontier. One sure sign of this developing urbanism was a maturing taste for art and presence in the city of a growing number of artists.

Francesca Juarez arrives in San Francisco hailing from Madrid Spain. She is accompanied by a small coterie. Francesca ambitiously proclaims herself the Prince of San Francisco. Over the next ten years other kindred arrive with aspirations of claiming the city for themselves. Prince Juarez is constantly having to defend her Princedom from opposing claimants.

1878 The American Speaking Telephone Company in San Francisco issues it’s first list of subscribers on a single sheet.


1880 George Hearst accepted a small daily newspaper, the San Francisco Examiner, as payment for a gambling debt. The elder Hearst, now a U.S. senator from California, had little interest in the newspaper business as such, but the event proved pivotal for his son. In the mid- 1880’s, young Will, a Harvard student at the time, wrote his father a now-famous letter requesting that he be permitted to take over the Examiner.

1882 In the 1840’s and 1850’s, Chinese laborers were recruited to build the railroads, work the mines, and tend the fields of a growing, prosperous America. By they 1870’s, with the mother lode running dry and the economy turning shaky, anti-Chinese sentiment swelled. In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, barring all Chinese immigration – a law that was not repealed for more than sixty years.

1883 “Black Bart”, a gentleman bandit who has been robbing Wells Fargo stages throughout northern California, turns out to be respectable bank clerk Charles Bolton.

1891 San Francisco, Dec. 28. – The steamer Arago, which arrived here from the north on this day had one of the roughest voyages of the season. On her last trip she encountered heavy storms and had to be thoroughly overhauled and repaired. The Pacific Ocean is particularly stormy this year.

Ruthiford Styx, a Nosferatu, proclaims himself Prince of San Jose. Salvador Garcia, a Ventrue, claims Praxis of Oakland.

1892 Sierra Club is founded by 182 charter members. John Muir is elected President. In its first conservation effort, the Sierra Club leads campaign to defeat a proposed reduction in the boundaries of Yosemite National Park.

1893 Prince Juarez spends most of the last twenty years solidifying her control of the city. As the city grows so too does the Kindred population. Many ambitious kindred challenge her position. By 1893 Prince Juarez has successfully defended herself from no less than four attempts to usurp her Praxis. Her ability to withstand these political and violent attacks reinforces her control of the city.

1898 The Spanish-American war brought troops to San Francisco. November 19- American Anit Imperialist League founded. Created to protest the annexation of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American War, the Anti-Imperialist League was the first national anti-imperialist organization formed in the United States.

1900 The Cliff House is Built

Cliff House was considered the Seat of Prince Juarez’s court.

1901 McKinley assassinated – Roosevelt succeeds McK – Picasso’s Blue Period – J.P. Morgan organizes US Steel Corporation.

1903 The Commonwealth Club of California was founded in 1903 by San Francisco Chronicle editorial writer Edward F. Adams.

1905 One of the wonderful aspects of the turn-of-the-century era was the multitude of grandiose schemes for the development of California. In the early 1900’s, the country had rebounded from the depression of the 1890’s, so a renewed sense of optimism was the mood of the day. It was in this frame of mind that prominent San Francisco businessman schemed to create a coast railroad from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. It was initially called the Ocean Shore Electric Railway. Initial work began in 1905.
The San Francisco Chronicle launches a series which accuses Japanese immigrants of debauching white women, deliberately undermining the school system, and causing crime and poverty in California. The series inspires the founding of the Japanese and Korean Exclusion League with 80,000 members.
The Japanese and Korean Exclusion League was widely considered to be an Invictus movement in an attempt to curb the growing power of the Carthians in the region who had a strong power base in the growing Asian community.

1906 Lurid flames sweep San Francisco resulting in the largest maritime rescue in United States History.

Cliff House falls; Prince Juarez flees the city, seeking no asylum with either Prince Styx or Prince Garcia.

1907 In the first decade of the twentieth century, organized labor in San Francisco exercised “more power and influence than labor in any other major American metropolitan area.” The year 1901 saw the formation of the Union Labor Party (ULP), a political party which ostensibly represented the interests of the city’s working men. At this time, with the city considered a “closed shop” town and labor firmly in control of its political machinery, circumstances began to change. Between 1905 and the street railway strike of May 1907, an earthquake, charges of corruption against the mayor and almost all the supervisors, and a struggle for political control between local reform elements and controlling labor interests changed San Francisco politics.

Prince Juarez returns to the city and reestablishes herself as Prince of San Francisco. With her assistance and those loyal to her in the court rebuilding commences quickly and with surprising results.

Prince Garcia and Prince Styx engage in a war with one another. Both claim Praxis of the Bay. “The War of Phantoms”

1908 The FBI originated from a force of Special Agents created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

1909 John Muir (1838 –1914) was the leader of the movement to save the Hetch Hetchy Valley from despoliation at the hands of the City and County of San Francisco, which wanted the valley for a municipal water supply. Published in late 1909, outlines the preservationist’s cause, and was distributed by Muir acting as president of the Society for the Preservation of National Parks.

1910 Angel Island opened in 1910. For 30 years, Angel Island served as a point of entry to the United States for many immigrants. Like Ellis Island in New York, it processed the entry of people from different parts of the world. Unlike Ellis Island, it also served as a prison for hundreds of Chinese immigrants. The immigration compound at Angel Island was built to enforce an exclusionary law passed in 1882. This law, The Chinese Exclusion Act, was passed to deny entry to Chinese.

Prince Juarez establishes her Seat of power within Hopkins Hall.

1911 In California a special election was held on 10 October 1911 to vote on Senate Constitutional Amendment no. 8 granting suffrage to women. The amendment passed by a margin of 3,507 votes.
The Carthians Movement continues to gain momentum in San Francisco.

The Invictus is slowly loosing their hold over the city despite support from the Lancea Sanctum.

1912 April 15, Titanic sinks.

1913 When, in 1913, the Red-Light Abatement Act came before the California State Legislature, it was supported by religious and civic groups as well as women’s clubs throughout California. The intent of the bill was to attack prostitution and the established red-light districts not by harassment and incarceration of prostitutes, pimps, or madams, but by making property owners liable for the activities of their renters. “All buildings and places … wherein or upon which acts of lewdness, assignation or prostitution are held or occur or which are used for such purposes” would be closed by order of the court and would remain closed and unusable for any purpose by the property owner for one year. The act further provided that all moveable property within the building would be sold and the proceeds would be used to pay court costs, fines and liens against the building. Any remaining funds would devolve to the owner of the property, although if the proceeds of the sale were insufficient to clear this debt, the building could be sold. The bill was passed and signed by Governor Hiram Johnson on 7 April 1913. The Raker Bill, which eventually became the Raker Act, granted the city of San Francisco the right to dam the Hetch Hetchy Valley as a reservoir, and the unfulfilled right of municipalized electricity for the city.

1914 February 5 – Birth of William S. Burroughs.

1915 The task of creating a Palace of Fine Arts for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition fell to the architect Bernard R. Maybeck, then fifty years old and known for his innovative ideas. Setting to work on this new project, he chose as his theme a Roman ruin, mutilated and overgrown, in the mood of a Piranesi engraving.

Prince Juarez and her Court are major financial supporter of the Palace of Fine Arts.

1916 By mid-1916, after viewing the carnage in Europe, the United States saw itself poised with great reluctance on the edge of participation in World War I. Isolationism and anti-preparedness feeling remained strong in San Francisco, not only among radicals such as the Industrial Workers of the World, but also among responsible labor leaders. At the same time, with the rise of Bolshevism and labor unrest, San Francisco’s business community was nervous. The Chamber of Commerce organized a Law and Order Committee, despite the diminishing influence and political clout of local labor organizations. Radical labor was a small but vociferous minority, which few took seriously. Violence, however, was imminent. The huge Preparedness Day parade of Saturday, July 22, 1916, was the target date. A radical pamphlet of mid-July read in part, “We are going to use a little direct action on the 22nd to show that militarism can’t be forced on us and our children without a violent protest.” At 2:06 p.m., about half an hour into the parade, a bomb exploded on the west side of Stuart Street, just south of Market Street, near the Ferry Building. The bomb was concealed in a suitcase; ten bystanders were killed and forty wounded in the worst terrorist act in San Francisco history.

1920 When Roger Baldwin founded the ACLU in 1920, civil liberties were in a sorry state. Citizens were sitting in jail for holding antiwar views. U.S. Attorney General Palmer was conducting raids upon aliens suspected of holding unorthodox opinions. Racial segregation was the law of the land and violence against blacks was routine. Sex discrimination was firmly institutionalized; it wasn’t until 1920 that women even got the vote.

1921 Arbuckle, Roscoe ‘Fatty’, 1887 – 1933, screen comedian. Grown-up fat boy of American silent cinema whose career was ruined after his involvement in a 1921 scandal in which starlet Virginia Rappe died.

1922 In Ozawa vs. U.S., the Supreme Court reaffirmed that Asian immigrants were not eligible for naturalization.

The strength of the Carthian movement begins to eclipse the stalwart traditionalism of the Invictus in San Francisco and within the court of Prince Styx.

1925 Now, not-withstanding the tremendous advance in all costs, 260,000,000 passengers, including those using transfers, rode on the Market Street Railway Company last year (1924) for a five cent fare, which also entitled them to transfers good all over the system, on cars equipped with modern conveniences.

1928 Modern age hockey dawns in the Bay Area with the creation of the California Hockey League.

1929 With the Great Highway and Ocean Beach Esplanade, costing more than $1,000,000, and financed from the $9,380,000 highway bond issue voted by the people, completed, San Francisco today stands to show visitors form all over the world the finest stretch of highway ever constructed Completion of the highway was climaxed Sunday, June 9, by a monster celebration. More than 50,000 people massed at the end of Lincoln Way. Music from a band of 1014 musicians filled the air in joyous riot, while thousands of autoists tooted horns to add to the noise of the occasion.

1930 Historians have differed over how to explain the influence of New Deal social policies at the local, state and national levels. Some have argued that Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, by expanding the role of government, created opportunities for political entrepreneurs to use federal programs to build a base of support for themselves and the Democratic Party in their communities. The lives of Florence Wyckoff and Hellen Hosmer indicate that a more complex and organic process occurred in San Francisco. Both women came of age in the early – 1930’s and were profoundly influenced by the human suffering and injustice they witnessed during the Depression.

“The War of Phantoms” ends between Prince Styx and Prince Garcia as it is realized they are engaged in a war neither could win without making themselves a prime target for Prince Juarez in the process.

1933 San Francisco Ballet is America’s oldest professional ballet company, enjoying a long and rich tradition of artistic “firsts.” Founded in 1933, the Company performed as the San Francisco Opera Ballet, primarily appearing in lavish full-length opera productions and offering rare evenings of “all-dance” programs throughout the year.
Alcatraz made a prison.

1934 San Francisco’s maritime strike, which began May 9, 1934, tumbled out of control when the Industrial Association, made up of employers and business interests who wished to break the strike, and the power of San Francisco unions, began to move goods from the piers to warehouses. The first running battles between unionists and police began Tuesday, July 3, 1934. There was a lull during the July 4 holiday when no freight was moved, but disturbances picked up again Thursday, July 5, 1934 – known as “Bloody Thursday.” This is the San Francisco News’ coverage of the first day of the rioting – July 3, 1934 – Bloody Thursday. “The meaning of our movement to end Poverty in California and its polling the largest vote ever cast in a California Primary, is that our people have reached the saturation point as regards suffering. We are just about to begin the sixth year of the depression. We have one-and-a-quarter million persons dependent upon public charity, and probably as many more who are able to get only one or two day’s work a week or who are dependent upon relatives and friends. That is too heavy a burden of suffering for any civilized community to carry.

(Discovered many years later) Prince Juarez has a secret meeting with Prince Ruthiford Styx. They make an alliance to destroy Prince Salvador Garcia. Over the next six years Prince Juarez slowly enthralls Ruthiford Styx.

1935 On January 18, the San Francisco Museum of Art, under the leadership of founding director Grace L. McCann Morley, opens in the fourth floor of the War Memorial Veterans Building.
City College of San Francisco, a public two-year college, was established in 1935 as an integral part of the San Francisco Unified School District. The Clipper’s central lounge, which was wider than a Pullman club car, was fitted with broad armchairs, and its meal service included china and silverware. The first nine passengers paid $1,438.20 for a round trip from San Francisco to Manila. It cruised at 150 miles per hour and had a range of 3,200 miles. – The China Clipper’s Maiden Voyage.

1936 The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge opened on November 12, 1936. It remains one of the largest bridges in the world and carries more traffic than any other toll bridge – over 270,000 vehicles each day.

1937 The concept of bridging the vast Golden Gate Straight was proposed as early as 1872 by railroad entrepreneur Charles Crocker. It was not until 1916, however, that the idea of a bridge was revived by James Wilkins, newspaper editor of the San Francisco Call Bulletin. He began an editorial campaign for a bridge which caught the attention of San Francisco City Engineer Michael M. O’Shaughnessy. O’Shaughnessy began a national inquiry among engineers regarding the feasibility and cost of such a project. The majority of engineers said a bridge could not be built. Some speculated it would cost over $100 million. However, Joseph Baermann Strauss, a designer of nearly 400 spans, said such a bridge was not only feasible, but could be built for only $25 to $30 million. The Bridge was completed and opened to pedestrian traffic on May 27, 1937. The following day it was opened to vehicular traffic. First proposed in 1869 by town eccentric “Emperor Norton.”

1940 “The Night of the Red Dance” Prince Garcia is killed and Prince Francesca Juarez declares herself the ‘Prince of the Bay’, Ruthiford Styx swears fealty and is made her Regent of San Jose and makes Gracia’s child, Roberto Chavez, the Regent of Oakland.

World War II
World War II was the most destructive war in human history. It began in Asia with the Japanese invasion of China that led to the outbreak of war between the two nations in 1937 and ended with the US dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. In Europe the Nazi troops blitzkrieged into Poland in 1939 and took over most of Europe, except for England and the Soviet Union. During the war in which 40,000,000 people died, Hitler sent 6,000,000 European Jews to their deaths in the Holocaust. The untold suffering caused by the German and Japanese war machines was ended by the brave resistance of people around the globe.

1941 December 7- Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. December 8- U.S. entered World War II. December 11 – FBI detained 1370 Japanese Americans classified as “Dangerous Enemy Aliens.”

1942 February 19- President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the secretary of war to define military areas “from which any or all persons may be excluded as deemed necessary or desirable.” The only significant opposition would come from the Quakers (Society of Friends) and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).
March 2- General DeWitt issued Public Proclamation No. 1, creating military areas in Washington, Oregon, California and parts of Arizona and declaring the right to remove German, Italian, and Japanese aliens and anyone of “Japanese Ancestry” living in Military Areas No. 1 and 2 should it become necessary. Two and a half months after Pearl Harbor, 110,000 Japanese Americans, two-thirds of whom were citizens, were evacuated from their homes and relocated in a series of inland U.S. concentration camps. The episode was called by the ACLU “the worst single wholesale violation of civil rights of American citizens in our history.” The most serious discrimination during World War II was the decision to evacuate Japanese nationals and American citizens of Japanese descent from the West Coast and sending them to internment camps. Because the FBI had arrested the individuals whom it considered security threats, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover took the position that confining others was unnecessary. The President and Attorney General, however, chose to support the military assessment that evacuation and internment were imperative. Ultimately, the FBI became responsible for arresting curfew and evacuation violators.

“The Night of Silent Screams” Regent Chavez goes into open rebellion against Prince Juarez. For several months a war raged among the kindred. Francesca was forced to make a deal with the Carthians and Circle of the Crone to gain their support. Upon doing so she was able to quash the rebellion and reportedly diablerized her former Regent.

1945 June 26 – United Nations Charter signed in San Francisco.

1948 In Oyama vs. California, the Supreme Court struck down the Alien Land Laws as violations of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Evacuation Claims Act authorized payment to Japanese Americans who suffered economic loss during imprisonment: with the necessary proof, 10 cents was returned for every $1.00 lost.

1950 The 49ers struggled in their NFL debut, winning only three games. A rival coach described them as “not big enough or tough enough.”
Attempts by the State Alcoholic Beverage Commission to close down The Black Cat, a gay bar owned by Sol Stuman, ended when the California State Supreme Court rules that bars cannot be discriminated against because they choose to cater to gays or lesbians.

1952 Founded in 1952, as the Bay Area Educational Television Association, the early volunteers began a long, uncharted journey forming the basis for what is today KQED, of the first public broadcasting companies in America.

1957 The obscenity prosecution of Alan Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti for the publication of Ginsberg’s poem Howl ends with the acquittal of both men.

1960 Prince Juarez summons her enthralled Regent Ruthiford Styx to court slaying him publicaly. She declares that there will be no more Regency and that her court will stand alone over the Bay. Many were confused by this act as there was no indication that Regent Styx was in any way challenging her authority or had designs to usurp her Princedom.

1965 January 1, 1965 New Year’s Eve costume ball at California Hall to raise funds for the Council on Religion and the Homosexual was harassed by police. It became a turning point in the San Francisco gay rights movement. ACLU took the case, which was dismissed.

1966 The San Francisco Diggers became one of the legendary groups in the Haight-Ashbury during the years 1966 to 1968. Shrouded in a mystique of anonymity, they took their name from the original English Diggers of the 1640’s. The San Francisco Diggers combined street theater, anarcho direct action, and art happenings in their social agenda. Their most famous activities revolved around Free Food (every day in the Panhandle), and the Free Store (where everything was free for the taking.) They produced a series of events that mark the evolution of the hippie phenomenon from a homegrown face-to-face community to the mass-media circus that splashed its face across the world’s front pages and TV screens.

Prince Juarez pours extravagant amounts of resources into having the Transamerica Tower built. Upon completion she declares the tower as an Elysium.
Szandor LaVey founds the Church of Satan in San Francisco. The headquarters for the Church of Satan remain in San Francisco to this day. The founding of the Church of Satan is accompanied by several small infestations of Belial’s Brood in the city over the next thirty years.

1969 The November 9, 1969 occupation was planned by Richard Oakes, a group of Indian students, and a group of urban Indians from the Bay Area. Since many different tribes were represented, the name “Indians of All Tribes” was adopted for the group. They claimed the island in the name of Indians of all tribes and left the island to return later that same evening. In meetings following the November 9th occupation, Oakes and his fellow American Indian students realized that a prolonged occupation was possible.

In the late 60’s a large influx of Circle of the Crone follower’s flock to San Francisco unsettling the political balance of the city. Circle of the Crone and The Carthian Movement become the dominant covenants in the city.

1971 Prince Juarez is slowly becoming less sociable. Her public behaviors are shockingly rude and lax in etiquette. It is rumored that she is feeding off of Neonates in the city.

1978 Harvey Milk was born May 22, 1930 in Woodmere, New York. He became a successful Wass Street investment analyst and supported Barry Goldwater for President. He got involved in Broadway theatre which began eroding his conservative views. He moved west and decided that he wanted to be Mayor of San Francisco! His new found liberalism, charisma, weird sense of humor, and belief in politics as theatre, set the stage for his San Francisco political career…On Monday morning, November 27, 1978 the startling news comes to us from KSAN, the popular rock-and-roll station. Dianne Feinstein, President of the Board of Supervisors, in a shaking voice says: “Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot… and killed. The suspect is Supervisor Dan White.”
Dan White was a typical all-American-boy born and raised in San Francisco. He was a policeman and then a fireman and then ran for Supervisor in the heavily conservative Irish-Catholic working class neighborhood known as District 8. He promised to restore traditional values to San Francisco city government. He promised to rid San Francisco of “radicals, social deviates, and incorrigibles”… On Monday morning White loaded his gun and went downtown. He entered City Hall through an open basement window to avoid the metal detectors at the entrances. He went first to Moscone’s office and shot him in the chest and then delivered a bullet to the head at close range as the mayor lay dying on the floor. As he walked down the corridor to the Supervisor’s offices on the other end of the building, he reloaded his gun. He asked Harvey for a few minutes in private and led him into his former office where he slew him in the same manner including two bullets to the brain… Dan White left city hall without further incident and was found a short time later with his wife praying at Saint Mary’s Cathedral, several blocks from City Hall. Dan White was paroled from Soledad Prison on January 6, 1985 after serving a minimal sentence for manslaughter. He committed suicide on October 21, 1985.

1980 Prince Juarez has evolved into something very cold and emotionless. She rarely makes an appearance at court and when she does it becomes something to be feared.

1985 “The Sundering of Fools” A Nosferatu Elder Primogen, Samuel, of the Lancea Santum with the assistance of the Ordo Dracul moves against Prince Juarez, temporarily attaining Praxis of the city. Francesca Juarez and her Hounds go into hiding for several months. She then reappears in force slaying Samuel and his lieutenants.

1987 In June of 1987, a small group of strangers gathered in a San Francisco storefront to document the lives they feared history would neglect. Their goal was to create a memorial for those who had died of AIDS, and to thereby help people understand the devastating impact of the disease. This meeting of devoted friends and lovers served as the foundation of The Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt.

1989 October 17, 1989 – 7.1 magnitude Earthquake hits Bay Area.
AIDS Patients Flock to San Francisco. If there is a mecca for AIDS patients this is it.

1990 Prince Juarez mental deterioration is blatantly obvious and the Kindred of San Francisco begin getting extremely uneasy. Even her most loyal supporters are getting more than a little concerned as their denial is repeatedly dashed.

1993 July 1 – Apparently dissatisfied with the legal services he had received from the law firm of Pettit & Martin, Jonh Luigi Ferri entered their offices on 34th floor of 101 California Street at 2:57 p.m. and within 4 minutes had killed 8 people and wounded 6.

1995 The Year of the Boar. The new “F” line dedicated. The Folsom Street Fair. Jerry Garcia died. Willie Brown elected Mayor of San Francisco.

The Kindred of San Francisco are all but prisoners in the city. Many attempt to flee, most fail. Prince Juarez has evolved into a horrific monster with only fleeting moments of clarity that occasionally remind them of the woman she once was.

1996 Jerry Garcia Haight Street Shrines start appearing. December 31st – Symphony Musicians on strike.

2005 “The Final Conflict” The Seneschal and several other members of the city launch a plan to destroy Juarez. Though their attempt failed, most of them were able to flee the city. Since that night no one knows what has happened in San Francisco until later that year when the Seneschal returned with a small coterie to reclaim the city. When he arrived he didn’t find anyone. Not Francesca, her Hounds nor her Angles. What he did find was a nasty little nest of Belial’s Brood, which he has spent months weeding out. Despite being in the city for several months, there has been no sign of those who were left behind.