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Prince Renato Cortez's Territory

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Crissy Field
Reclaimed from coastal marshland, this flat open ground was used as an airfield from 1919-1936, but it is now closed to air traffic.
Fort Point
Now a military museum, this forbidding brick fortress once guarded the Golden Gate during the American Civil War.
Golden Gate Bridge
The southern end of this famous span is here, where Marina Drive connects with the Golden Gate Freeway.
The Military Cemetery
The remains of over 15,000 American soldiers, killed in a variety of wars, are buried here.
Palace of Fine Arts
The sole surviving building from the 1915 World's Fair was conceived as a Roman ruin. The central rotunda, supported by a Classical frieze and Corinthian columns, stands at the center of the complex which now houses the Exploratorium, a science museum open to the public.
Pet Cemetery
Pet cemetaries on military land are not uncommon. However, the unusual point of the Presidio Pet Cemetery is that there are no existing records of it's creation. Consequently stories abound of it as a 19th Century burial ground for Cavalry horses and WWII guard dogs. The oldest markers date back to the 1950's. In 1994 it was featured as an argument against budgetary measures to turn the Presidio into a National Park ... it's believed the Cemetery photo actually helped influence Congress to create the Presidio Trust.

Baker Beach
Mountain Lake
Presidio Golf Course
Public Health Service Hospital
Rob Hill Campground
Saint Francis and Golden Gate Yacht Clubs

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