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Circle of the Crone Territory

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Chestnut Street
This is Marina's counterpart to Fillmore Street, with it's nightclubs, bookstores, restaurants, and shops. However, it caters more to well-heeled locals than to visitors.
Fort Mason
This former military base forms the northern boundary of Marina where it meets the bay. Though decommissioned in 1972 it still maintains a few of its original buildings, such as the barracks and hospital. Several of the structures have been converted into small art museums and theaters that cater to the neighborhoods, and the grounds are now a park.
Marina Boulevard Safeway
The first modern concept store constructed in 1959 still stands with only minor exterior alterations. Popularly referred to as "The Dateway" it is listed as one of San Francisco's best pick-up spots.
San Francisco Gas Light Company Meter House
While the generator house came down in the 1906 quake the meter house still stands with it's completion date of 1893 still visible in the archway.
San Francisco Port of Embarkation, U.S. Army
This historic district, consisting of 210 acres, 14 buildings, and 5 structures, was the embarkation point for 1,600,000 soldiers and 23.5 million tons of supplies during WWII.

George R Moscone Recreation Center
Marina Green
Marina Small Craft Harbour

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