Welcome soul seekers to thee moste ancient oracle of our time. Long ago, when our ancestors had to light their cigarettes by rubbing two sticks together and fishnets actually had trout in them, there was an ancient language. It was the original mother tongue of the Goths and Visigoths (Goths who wore colors other than black, and thus being more visible were more easily hunted to extinction). These esoteric symbols were more than just a mere mortal language...they were a communication with the gods.

Now, in this age where self knowledge is key to...a bunch of other stuff, YOU can harness the power of that ancient language. Here, and only here will you find the answers to all your burning questions, the voice of the higher self to guide you in a realm of darkness.

Seek you the RUINS? Then be wise, and be true, for the RUINS are alive and they know when you are wearing yellow. If you woul like to consult the wisdom of the RUINS, then click on the appropriate links below. To read about the RUINS and their meanings, scroll down to the sacred chart. Point your magical finger over the symbols for detailed associations with colors and numbers, etc.


Click here for a free one RUIN READING

Click here for a free three RUIN READING

This webpage was found encased in a solid block of diorite in the south of France, and was carefully excavated by some german guy who only spoke Portguese. It dates back to 3.5 BC, and the inscription has been translated thus:

Lo, though I hung by my disgustingly long toenails from the tree for nine nights and 12 twelve days, stopping only for an occasional donut, I had not seen sign of our GOD, Narg, the many fingered one. And I wept. I wept for my children, I wept for my people, I wept pools of eyeliner in despair - thence and only thence did NARG come unto me with his wisdom. "Thou stupid mortal, thou smellest. Takest a long hot bath in water unfouled by emu dung!" NARG roared. In rapture of our GOD I fell from the tree onto my head, which found embedded in itself a pointy rock. The pain was revelation and salvation! "Stop howling you miserable smelly human!" NARG boomed and waved his many fingers. "Get thee to thy nearest 7-11 and bringest me these items...or I shall smite thee. Again." and Narg handed to me the most holy of items - a stone inscribed with thirteen symbols of power....

The inscription breaks off here, but scholars and fruity new agers agree that the symbols were a sacred gift made to benefit Goths for centuries to come.

Behold the Sacred Chart
Alphabet letter: K and C. Color:Brown. Number: 2387849798454.5698029586089. Power Animal: Badger. Planet: Uranus Ka-Fyyn

A symbol of strong energy, a driving force. This was one of the RUINS of ascension onto a higher plane, of extreme vibrations. It is a sigel of BLAGH, God of Sleeplessness and Uncontrollable Twitching. In divination this rune signifies transcendance of problems through the imbibing of the drink of the gods. It can portend hysterical fits of bouncing and the inability to tie ones boots as there seems to be four boots where there were just two - but be not distraught as this violent spasming is merely a crossing over to the fourth dimension. Seekers who pull this RUIN must be cautious not to operate machinery for limbs may surely be lost. It this RUIN falls with Duum, it signifies hours of gaming and/or complaining.

Alphabet Letter: B. Color: Grey. Number: 0. Power Animal: sea cucumber. Planet: Uranus Byhu-Hyu

This RUIN signifes great sadness. Despair is on the horizon, but do not run from it, embrace it. Wallow in it. Share it with your dearest friends. The symbol itself recollects the great sorrows of SAHB, God of Hopeless Misery in that it is his eye smeared by eons of unfounded lamenting. Be watchful, for there will be a great loss in your life whether it will be your cat wandering into a chinese restaurant- never to return, or your Bauhaus CDs vanishing one by one when your kleptomaniac friend comes over. This RUIN also portends psychic visions of razor blades and could herald the writing of very bad poetry.

Alphabet Letter: P. Color: Purple. Number: 86. Power Animal: maggot. Planet: Uranus KA-Put

This RUIN is a powerful sign of the MORG, God of Eternal Death. The legend of MORG tells us that only through Death can we understand our sufferings and what they truly mean. Remember than MORG died thirteen times to bring to us the color black from the netherworld, so honor him by always wearing the sacred color. In a reading, this RUIN speaks of one who is obssessed with endings. It could precede a visit to a cemetery, whether for recreation or communion with the spirits from beyond. It could appear to signify the end of a relationship with someone with very large hair, or the end of the Disintegration CD that you've been playing for two weeks straight. Most often it appears when one has been reading too much Poe and considering the finer qualities of Absinthe. Essentially, it means that life is death. Every day we are dying a little more and there is nothing anyone, even Michael Jackson, can do about it. Combined with the RUIN Byhu-Hyu, it can signify a painful change in ones life, such as having to get up before 2 in the afternoon.

Alphabet letter: U. Color: Sepia. Number : 2. Power Animal: Poodle. Planet: Uranus PuuuP

PuuuP is a RUIN of tribulations and trials. Puuup shows up when you're thinking of doing something new and different, then proceeds to muck with your karma until you want to stab your eyes out with your stilettos. This RUIN can signify breaks in relationships, often due to stupidity. It can signify an elder coming to visit and forcing you to re-dye your hair to a color other than purple, or the heel on those expensive New Rock boots that you saved up six months to buy snapping off in a sidewalk crack just outside the club. The power of Puuup comes from The Three Cranky Bitches who in Goth mythology were in charge of basically fucking everything up. But fear not, tribulations are natural and strengthen your character. To attune to the energies of Puuup to make them work better for you, simply repeat this ancient mantra: Shit happens, especially to me.

Alphabet Letter: W, H. Color: Blue. Number: 75.3. Power Animal: dingo. Planet: Uranus Who-a

This RUIN is a herald of new influences in your life. If you are in a stagnant industrial band, it means you will no longer have to plagerize Skinny Puppy as you may actually develop some kind of musical personality. You may find yourself buying a new corset, getting a new piercing, or finding you can actually afford those Siouxsie conert tickets after finding an extra $20 in the couch. While most often the new events and influences are good, the dark side is that some unfortunate new happenings may occur. For example, this RUIN often warns of new rumors that may be spread about you and that godawful DJ that everyone hates. It could also presage meeting a new person who is likely to borrow your clothes and boy/girl friends...and never return them.

Alphabet Letter: R. Color: Red. Number: -47. Power animal: 3 toed sloth. Planet: Uranus Kr-ahp

This RUIN is a RUIN of delay, and when it turns up you can be sure that your friend who was supposed to meet you at the club 2 hours ago, is going to show up 5 minutes after you decide to leave. Under the influence of this symbol, you will find that it is more difficult to find your eyeliner even though it's already in your hand. Traffic problems and parking problems are also symptoms of its power. The most frequent signal of this rune is the occurence of blacks that don't match. Another RUIN under the influence of The Three Cranky Bitches, it is a ruin of misplacenemt and frustration, but can be easily overcome by chanting this simple mantra "Oh fuck it."

Alphabet Letter: S. Color: Puce. Number: 69. Power Animal: Skink. yes, Skink. Planet: Uranus Sckh-lorkff

This powerful symbol gets it name from a legend of Styki, God of vinyl. it is said that SCKH-LORKFF is the sound made when Styki removed his sweat soaked pants after a long night of dancing with the intoxicated slyphs of the shadows. This sound is a very sacred one, and is one that resonates in all who choose to don the holy garment with Styki represents. In a reading, this RUIN stands for outward appearances being ephemeral. Believe not what you see, for you will be misled. This RUIN appears when one is considering taking home that pretty young thing after a few drinks, but it councils against bringing them out into the light for disappointment will surely occur. This RUIN also speaks of suffering for ones appearance. Should this RUIN turn up, corsets will be laced too tight, ankles will twist in ten inch heels, and excessive lacerations from sharp jewelry are likely, so take heed.

Alphabet Letter: O. Color: Khaki, Pink and Green. Number: 21. Power Animal: Pig. Planet: Uranus Blorch

Glub, the God of Stupor is represented by this RUIN. It is said that for nine days he drank nothing but Jagermeister...and for 12 days afterwards he yawned into the porcelain cauldron of Pucilla the Vomitous who had been demanding tribute from him for quite some time. After his generous donation of tribute, she gave him a very swollen and abused liver for his troubles. When this RUIN is drawn, cups will be offered to he who drew it. Many, many cups. It is a RUIN of flowing, of liquid and can symbolize both the inward, and outward, flow. This RUIN warns against imbibing anything in a plastic bottle during the course of the reading, as woe shall befall him who drinks the liquor of the gods from unholy plastic. If this symbol appears in conjunction with Ka-fyyn, it may signify red bull and vodka. But, it may also signify a brief respite from dizziness and slurring, followed by an episode of painful headaches. Those who draw Blorch can be assured that the following day will be hell.

Alphabet Letter: D. Color: green. Number: 120. Power Animal: Chinchilla. Planet: Uranus Danz

A symbol of movement, travel and music, this RUIN is a sign of Wigel, Goddess of the Dance. Wigel has many faces and can often appear subdued, but can also be very violent. Drawing this RUIN alone can mean that one may simply be pacing back and forth repetitively, but has different meanings when other RUINS are associated. With Ka-fyyn, an intense gyrating or bouncing may occur, resulting in dizziness for the recipient and fatigue for those nearby. With the influence of Sckh-lorkff, strange noises may accompany the situation and it is likely that any individuals involved wearing vinyl may find themselves stuck either to each other, or to nearby mirrors. With Blorch and Ar-gh, destruction and pain are sure to be the result, although Blorch is slower and more accidental.

Alphabet letter: A. Color: Caution tape yellow. Number: 3.14. Power Animal: Musk Ox. Planet: Uranus Ar-gh

A warrior's RUIN, Ar-gh is often described as the Mighty Storm Boot of Schtomp, God of Anger and War. Drawing this RUIN may mean great power and strength, allowing you to trample all who oppose you. You may find yourself using air raid sirens for no apparent reason. The wearing of spikes is often a portent of this RUIN's influence, as is buying excessive amounts of KMFDM or Front Line Assembly - the sacred band of the Almighty Leeb, God of Samples. This RUIN speaks of distintegration of the systems in opposition, and while it can mean lengthy tyrades about war torn landscapes and cyborgs bent on evil, it can just as easily mean that you may be on the receiving end. Be wary as you may find boot shaped marks on your head and not recall how they appeared there.

Alphabet Letter: Y. Color: Bitch red. Number: 11. Power Animal: Weasel. Planet: Uranus Bhy-ch

This is a primarily female rune, and governs the safety of one's cat as well as one's ego. Drawing this symbol can mean the acquisition of velvet and/or lace in large quantities. It can also portend an exclusive rendevous with sexy band members, promoters, DJs, or humans with legs. The dark side of this RUIN is by far the darkest of all, and woe to those who feel its power. This RUIN in its dark aspect may herald the destruction of reputations, the dissolving of relationships, the forcibly painful removal of hair extensions with ten inch claws. A symbol that also governs rumors and harsh words, it warns you that forces are coming together to make your life miserable. If this rune falls with Ar-gh, however, you will find the power to overcome these negative forces by using a well placed boot.

Alphabet Letter: H. Color: grey. Number: 65.8. Power Animal: Skunk. Planet: venus. haha, fooled you. Hha-ckh

Literally translated, this RUIN means House of Smoke, the place where the GODS were worshipped as well as the realm of the Intoxicated Slyphs of the Shadows (also known as The Trahmps). This symbol heralds billowing clouds of incense and a haze of clove that may cloud your future. It is a RUIN of mystery, darkness, and the chief rune that governs Peter Murphy. New chances may arise, new opportunities and fortuitous meetings with others of a like mind. With Danz, it means that there will be significant movement, but this movement will be followed by a severe bout of hyperventillation. With Blorch, it could portend new intimate friendships, or bitter feuds that involve pegging people in the head with shot glasses. It this RUIN falls with Ar-gh, physical harm may occur and with Bhy-ch, emotional harm is sure to happen.

Alphabet Letter: Q, X and a silent J. Color: Black. Number: 13. Power Animal: Lab rat. Planet: Saturn. Duum

This is a symbol of silence and comtemplation. Duum is the inner resonance of all Goths from now until time ends, it is like a doorway into the eternal darkness. It is this RUIN that governs the occult, darkness and especially vampires. The blood drinking god FA-ange once tried to kill NARG the god who handed down the holy RUINS. But Narg was waiting for him and as FA-ange lunged at The GREAT ONE with his teeth bared, Narg threw a cherry slushy in his face and told him to "FUCK OFF" in a great booming voice that shook the Hot Topic racks for miles around. How the story relates to much of anything remains a complete mystery. If you draw this RUIN, you may find yourself alone in your room, gaming for hours on end with no sleep and an IV of mountain dew, or reading tarot cards for your ferret. It is a rune of truly bad music by bands that we'd like to forget. The darkest side of this rune is expressed by the goddess Ahn-Wee whose mantra was "My life is so fucking boring." When this RUIN appears, expect hopelessness, especially with Bhyu-Hyu.