(A Little Terrifying.)

For those of you net goths, or goths in general that take yourselves way too seriously, cover your eyes now. (be careful not to smear your three hour makeup job) This page identifies for us various kinds of Goths that you may encounter(or exaggerated versions thereof) Sadly enough,(is anything really sad enough?) you may find you have run into creatures such as these......
And even if you don't laugh, at least marvel at the cute cartoons.

Mr. Angst --email: Whinyfreak@aol.com screen name:Drippyeyes

(sob sob weep) No one understands. It's all so dreadful.(sob) How am I to overcome this tragedy?!(weep whimper sniff) The pain over takes me like a black wave. I bear it upon my soul like a monstrous cross.(sobsobcry sniffle) Will this ever end?!!Will this horrid reflection of reality ever disappear? Or will it shatter in the end like so many pieces of my heart? (despairing wail) Take from me these memories of their scornful laughter!! Send from me these demons of despair!!!(elongated lamentation) I just can't believe this could happen.....(sobsobsniffle) There's got to be some black hair dye somewhere in here!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! 


GOTHLING without a cause

e mail: REtard@earthlink.net screen name: manson1999999

I knew the moment I heard Marilyn Manson that I wanted to be Goth. he like, woke up the gothiness in me, ya know? I bought all his CD's. It took me over two months wages at the Taco Bell Waste Containment Plant to do it. I like to play Dopeshow on repeat and stare at the dirty laundry on the floor. I like, totally dyed my hair black n' stuff. I paint my eyes too, cuz that's how Marilyn Manson looks. I sold half my liver to get front row seats for one of his shows. It was sooo cool. He like, hockered and totally spit on me during Antichrist Superstar. I didn't bathe for a week. Sometimes, I totally cry during Beautiful People, cuz I like, feel what he's saying, ya know? then my makeup gets, like, all smeary and makes my eyes sting, kinda like after those preppy guys beat me up and called me a wanna-be. Ya know, they just don't get it, what it's like to be Goth.



Dark Fangy Capey Guy
email: I_Suck@aol.com screenname:Biteme

I am a real vampire. No, really. I've got real fangs. Some people think I got them at Hot Topic. Ha! Little do they know....Mine are REAL. I never go out in daylight. Never. Not even if Anne Rice was walking down my street, I mean,past my crypt. And...I wear sunglasses. All the time. I hate the light. Light is for wretched mortals. I stalk the night by candlelight! I wear all black. Just like the other vampires. And a big cape. A big vampiric black and red cape! Yeah!......What? I don't know how that Hot Topic Sticker got there!

Some mortal must have planted it!!! How dare they mock me!! I shall rise from my genuine coffin lined with red satin, with my own gravestone at the head, and drink from those who dare.........what? Of course I drink blood! I'm a VAMPIRE!.... Prove it? Uh, I can't right now...I'm... fasting! No, I'm on a strict diet! Had too much blood filled with cholesterol....but I only eat things that are red!!...yeah. Like uh..uh, Red koolaid, annnnd....red jello! And I only play checkers with the red pieces.Yes!! Fear me daywalker!!! For I again will drr....Stop laughing at me!


Miss too tight Vinyl

screen name: LacedUP

gaspgasp I love gasp to wear vinyl. wheeze I own all the latest fetishwear. gaspcough My waist is 10 inches around. gasp i have the largest corset collection in the scene and gasp I like to wear it all at once. cough hack I go dancing gasp a lot. I usually have to have gasp someone carry me onto the floor gasp wheeze because I can't really walk. gasp. I don't want to ruin my outfit. wheeze wheeze. All the guys think I look great. They're all over me gasp swoon especially when I faint......do you hear a ringing noise? Wow...it's really getting dark......WHUMP.



SCARY(?) GUY email:CreepE@geocities.com screenname: Muhahahaha

i'm scary. i own a pet spider. his name is Beelzebub. i like to sit in graveyards and talk to myself. i paint crosses on my stomach with red nailpolish. there's a big pentagram made out of twinkies on my ceiling. i like to stab jelly donuts and watch them ooze. My underwear has EVIL embroidered all over it in red. i play tapes of Mister Rodgers backwards. i speak pig latin and throw salt at people. i paint my toilet paper black. i induce nightmares by watching Titanic from underwater in my bathtub and eating cheese curls from between my toes as i sing Barry Manilow songs to my hamster who i have dressed in a tiny purple velvet jumpsuit with green sequins. I have an official license to be the antichrist. Boo.


Too Goth for You

screenname: ITSME_YOUFOOLS

but I like to be called BLACKFLOWERNIGHTSHADEMOONGODDESS. I'm SO Goth. My hair is NATURALLY black, and I am blessed with a NATURALLY pale complexion. I listened to Bauhaus in the womb. Gary Numan asked ME if I would sign one of his CD's. I wear ONLY black velvet. I had a best friend who wore a green sweater once. I no longer speak to her. I've been voted Goth Babe
of the Week 13 times. I finally had to tell the committee to
PLEASE let some less deserving individuals have a chance.
I have the
best Goth site on the web. My Goth code is wHat69a666BitCh13777pUke00we11DONt7734cAre99shUT9uP

I belong to an exclusive Gothic Society, which includes only ME, since no one else is Goth enough to join. I dance better than ANYONE at all the clubs. My boyfriend is in a Goth band. Everyone goes to see them because they are SO gorgeous and they have BETTER hair than any other band. I spend no less than 9 hours on my hair and makeup, and I ALWAYS use 3 tubes of black lipstick so my lips are PERFECT . I wear nothing but genuine silver jewelry. I can sing every Christian Death song by heart, and far better than ANYONE from the band. All you pathetic little black haired pagans who think you are worshipping the Goddess are really worshipping ME. So, just give it up. Smoke your cloves and keep pretending you are fit to call yourselves Goth.


 Hey! Careful with that thing!

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