Welcome to the Gothic Toybox EYESCREAM Parlor!

If ever you wanted to lose weight, here is the place to come.
You see, the EYESCREAM PARLOR is not yer typical 31 flavors sugar
cone fudge sundae kinda place. We specialize in ice cream flavors that should
not exist
. So, browse our list of specialty treats...and if perchance you see these
flavors at your local Baskin Robbins....then please call the board of health. ENJOY!

WARNING. This page gets really foul from this point on.
Put down the pizza. You won't want it in a couple seconds.

Try a scoop of our infamous frozen cow excretions in a specialty cone!
Mustard Custard


Nose Nugget Chunk

Mung Melon Munch

Gangrene Ripple

Asphalt Crunch


Rocky Roadrash

Plutonium Chip

Chocolate Cadaver Chunk

Fudge Fungus Swirl

Placenta Sherbet


Strawberry Meatloaf

Rainbow Toenail Chip

Oil Slick


Fudgey Outhouse Explosion


Minty Mango
Bacon Crunch

Vanilla Pork

Lemon Lyposuction Swirl

Peanut Butter
Puppy Chunk

Rasberry Trout

Saggy Underwear Hash

Hemlock Surprise

Everclear Brainfreezy

Triple Fudge Tampon

Butterscotch Cucumber Spaghetti Swirl

Sodium Nitrate Sherbet

Blood Sausage Sundae

Haggis Sorbet

Cockroach Crunch

Banana Gasoline Flambe

Super Sushi Swirl

Toilet Paper Meringue

Petrol-politan (regular, unleaded, diesel)

Marshmellow Midget Munch

Tobacco Custard

Magic Oatmeal
Prune Sundae

Triple Toddler Sandpie with Ants


Super Poodle
Sludge Ripple

Blueberry Cabbage

Regurgitated Beef Delite


Sauerkraut Toffee Crunch

Ramen Ripple

Orange Larva Surprise

Beer Schmega Swirl

Mucous and Cream


Spaghetti Cone- especially handwoven from limp
spaghetti and cemented together with.....cement.

Barbed wire/Caulk Cone

Ham Cone - made from the finest grade wombat ham

Corregated Cardboard

Stale Pork Rind Cone- with a sprinkling of sugar

Specialty Items

YELLOW Sno-Cones

Italian Ice- made fresh from real Italians!

Sundaes- Choose any 2 flavors of ice cream and add your choice of any 3 of the following toppings:

crunchy scab flakes
carpet lint
Ibuprofan chips
rabbit poop sprinkles
battery acid
teriyaki sauce
axel grease
glass eyes

Try our new Steel Wool Sundae! It's abrasive!

We save up all that black, grey and brown snow from heavily trafficked parking lots to make our slushies authentic! Ask for one with a crunchy topping of gravel or asphalt!

Ice Cream SAND-wiches
We take your favorite ice cream, and slop it between two stale cookies the cashier found between the cushions of his couch, and sprinkle heavily with crunchy, wholesome sand!

And you were wondering what happens to all that frozen dog doo in the winter, weren't you?


Strawberries and Cremation!
Just in time Halloween!

Other horrendous snacks!

Jello Accidents!
We love jello. There's always room for it. In fact, there's also always room for things IN jello. Why bother with boring old fruit, when you could try jello with more exotic treats incased within!

geriatric jello
poodle jello
goat embyro jello
eyeball jello
that used to be fido jello
disembodied barbie head jello
tarantula jello
pizza chunk jello
hairball jello
taxidermy surprise jello

*Take home a gallon of your favorite flavor of preserved vital organs today! *

I am so glad you have disenjoyed your visit to the EYESCREAM parlor.
If you have any flavors you want us to carry, then email happyskull@hotmail.com!
